305 results for tag: Quote for today

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

April 9, 2023 - Quote for the Day: “The kingdom of Rome, spurred on by the kingdom of the Jewish religious culture, joined forces to get rid of him – through torture, humiliation and publicly shaming him before they finished him off (or so they thought) by mercilessly crucifying him.  He responded by accepting and receiving their (and our own) vengeance and hostility.  He soaked it in.  He absorbed and assimilated all human hostility and hatred … and he forgave it.  For Jesus the end of violence is not more violence.  The end of violence is love.”  Originally published in: Beautiful Sayings – Beatitudes of Grace ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

April 06, 2023 - Quote for the Day: “… the desire to ‘prove’ the resurrection to be true often causes many to become so focused on the details that they miss the big picture… Proofs are not the foundation of our faith.  Jesus alone is the foundation of our faith.  The gospel is not about intellectual assent to historically proven details… In the ‘resurrection chapter’ (1 Corinthians 15), Paul does not attempt to ‘prove’ the resurrection of Jesus, but he assumes the resurrection as fact.  He simply states that Jesus is risen, and he calls the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus the gospel – that ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

April 04, 2023 - Quote for the Day: “Far from being an obscure point of doctrine, the cross of Christ is ground zero of our faith.  All of the teachings of Jesus are best understood and illuminated by his cross.  The crucifixion of Jesus is a priority – a defining part of his identity, and for that matter, a foundational building block for all of us, as Christ-followers.  The cross of Christ is an essential part of his identity – it is the heart and soul of the gospel. The cross crushes the tyranny of attempting to please God on the basis of law while simultaneously and tenaciously insisting that the lavish grace of ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

March 30, 2023 - Quote for the Day: “We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus in a Christ-centered way, for it is about Jesus’ own personal, victorious bodily resurrection – the resurrection is about him.  In and through him we have new life now! He is alive – he is our risen Lord! But Jesus’ resurrection is also about our own future resurrection, and for that matter, the resurrection of the entire cosmos, when a new order of things will begin.  The new order of things is by him and for him.  At his Second Coming we will be bodily resurrected because he lives in us, and he will never die.  Those who are in ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

March 28, 2023 - Quote for the Day: “The Cross of Jesus Christ is a consummate, far-reaching symbol of God’s love for all creation.  Out of his eternity, God came down, vertically intersecting our horizontal existence on a planet where we are subjects of time and space.  Because of the Cross, which fully reveals the love of God, we are united with him, in this once-and-for-all demonstration of his forever love.  Jesus then was raised from the dead as a symbol of the undying love and the eternal victory of good over evil."  Originally published in: Wonders of His Love ------------------------------------- Help Us ...