302 results for tag: Quote for today
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
April 20, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“The more oppressive and legalistic the church is, the more hell fire and brimstone condemnations will issue from pulpits, effectively trying to scare people into buying ‘fire insurance’ so they won’t be eternally basted on some spit in hell. It’s not a pretty picture, is it? But it is an accurate picture of the state of churchianity in North America today. Legalism has turned many churches into spiritually incestuous clubs of condemnation, where lists are made and modified – lists that condemn outsiders to hell… It’s interesting that legalistic religion focuses on certain external ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
April 18, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Our world is hopelessly divided, embroiled in continuing controversy. With soul-depressing regularity it seems entire news networks and organizations here in the United States spew out one and only one polarizing political perspective, demonizing all who disagree. Then there is the religious world, where ‘devout’ people whose holy books tell them to love their neighbors are instead terrorizing and persecuting and even killing those who disagree. Politics divides us and Christ-less religion separates us.”
Originally published in:
Letters to My Friends
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
April 16, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“The resurrection of Jesus is the spiritual birthplace of grace and faith. The resurrection of Jesus announces and pronounces the end of religion, and the beginning of grace… The resurrection of Jesus is more than a promise of our future resurrection – it is the promise of new life, a new creation – right now.
The resurrection of Jesus is the gateway of new life for the entire universe. The resurrection unleashes the incredible, staggering power of God whereby, as the first chapter of Colossians tells us, all things, things on earth and in heaven, things we see and things we don’t, are ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
April 13, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Author C.S. Lewis tells a story about a young boy’s first encounter with a pastoral religious authority. At first, the pastor seems to be a warm, engaging personality – initially their discussion centers around fishing and bicycles. But then, without warning, the pastor takes a terrifying mask with a long white beard off the wall of his office. The pastor puts the mask on his face and tells the young boy, named John, he is now going to talk with him about God. He then assured John that God is very kind, but if John doesn’t obey all the rules God will shut him up forever in a ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
April 11, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Grace is like streams and rivers filled and nourished by the rain. Life-giving rain is given to those whose lives seem to deserve it and to those who do not (Matthew 5:45). The rain (and reign) of God’s grace resists attempts to collect, own and dispense it by those who live in high places of religious pride and announce themselves as God’s representatives.”
Originally published in:
Wonders of His Grace
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
April 9, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“The kingdom of Rome, spurred on by the kingdom of the Jewish religious culture, joined forces to get rid of him – through torture, humiliation and publicly shaming him before they finished him off (or so they thought) by mercilessly crucifying him. He responded by accepting and receiving their (and our own) vengeance and hostility. He soaked it in. He absorbed and assimilated all human hostility and hatred … and he forgave it. For Jesus the end of violence is not more violence. The end of violence is love.”
Originally published in:
Beautiful Sayings – Beatitudes of Grace
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
April 06, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“… the desire to ‘prove’ the resurrection to be true often causes many to become so focused on the details that they miss the big picture… Proofs are not the foundation of our faith. Jesus alone is the foundation of our faith. The gospel is not about intellectual assent to historically proven details…
In the ‘resurrection chapter’ (1 Corinthians 15), Paul does not attempt to ‘prove’ the resurrection of Jesus, but he assumes the resurrection as fact. He simply states that Jesus is risen, and he calls the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus the gospel – that ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
April 04, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Far from being an obscure point of doctrine, the cross of Christ is ground zero of our faith. All of the teachings of Jesus are best understood and illuminated by his cross. The crucifixion of Jesus is a priority – a defining part of his identity, and for that matter, a foundational building block for all of us, as Christ-followers. The cross of Christ is an essential part of his identity – it is the heart and soul of the gospel.
The cross crushes the tyranny of attempting to please God on the basis of law while simultaneously and tenaciously insisting that the lavish grace of ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
April 02, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Just as the road to his resurrection ran through a cemetery, so too does ours… Living in Christ (and he in us) means our old spiritual man must die.”
Originally published in:
Letters to My Friends
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
March 30, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus in a Christ-centered way, for it is about Jesus’ own personal, victorious bodily resurrection – the resurrection is about him. In and through him we have new life now! He is alive – he is our risen Lord!
But Jesus’ resurrection is also about our own future resurrection, and for that matter, the resurrection of the entire cosmos, when a new order of things will begin. The new order of things is by him and for him. At his Second Coming we will be bodily resurrected because he lives in us, and he will never die. Those who are in ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
March 28, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“The Cross of Jesus Christ is a consummate, far-reaching symbol of God’s love for all creation. Out of his eternity, God came down, vertically intersecting our horizontal existence on a planet where we are subjects of time and space. Because of the Cross, which fully reveals the love of God, we are united with him, in this once-and-for-all demonstration of his forever love. Jesus then was raised from the dead as a symbol of the undying love and the eternal victory of good over evil."
Originally published in:
Wonders of His Love
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
March 26, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“God does not need nor is he obligated by our religious performances. Sadly, it’s virtually inevitable that the production of religious stuff makes people feel that God is obligated to them. Many religious people feel that God must reward their religious trophies, blue ribbons, diplomas, certificates and commendations. And that attitude leads to pride, the antithesis of the attitude of Jesus, which is humility. The humility of Jesus is the impoverishment of the human spirit.”
Originally published in:
Beautiful Sayings – Beatitudes of Grace
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
March 23, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Picking up our cross and following Jesus is not for the faint hearted. We must make a commitment and with Christ-centered courage and conviction, Christ in us imbues us with hope and faith for the journey, even when it takes us through dark valleys of death and despair.
Doubts and trials can lead us to deeper faith, greater spiritual maturity and more Christ-like convictions. Doubt borne of adversity and hardship need not be our enemy, but rather a stepping stone, albeit painful and difficult, toward, as those great lyrics describe, a ‘closer walk with Thee.’”
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
March 21, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“In The Great Divorce C.S. Lewis characterizes those in heaven as saying that they think nothing of religion, that they think only of Christ. Christians are called to come out of religiosity and churchianity that will forever keep them enslaved to the flesh. We are called to set our hearts and minds on things above. We are called to focus on Christ alone. Think of him and nothing of religion. Faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone.”
Originally published in:
Unplugging from Religion - Connecting With God
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
March 19, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done. Your religious background and credentials, or lack thereof, are irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if you have been a petty criminal, an atheist, a cult member, a mass murderer, or even a goody-two-shoes self-righteous-better-than-everybody-else-holy-Joe.
It doesn’t matter if you have been baptized, or if you have been immersed rather than sprinkled. If you have never had a drop of alcohol touch your lips, God still loves you, but he doesn’t love you because you have never imbibed.
If you have started every day, for the last ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
March 16, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Beginning in the second grade, I lived in constant apprehension and fear of an impending doomsday. My family and I believed that “the end” could come at any time; we were convinced that we always lived in a window of a “few short years” from the events surrounding the second coming, I did not treasure the message of Revelation, I feared it. The specific “end times” interpretation I was taught exercised enormous power over me and many others. Decades later God’s grace completely changed my understanding of Revelation – from a book to be feared to a book to be treasured....
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
March 14, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“I believe that physical death is not the end of God’s pursuit of us, and I base that belief primarily on the full and complete (as I understand it) revelation of God within the pages of the Bible.”
Originally published in:
Christianity Without the Religion magazine, February 2022
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
March 12, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“There’s an old story about a young man who asked his rich grandfather, ‘Grandpa, how did you get so rich?’ ‘Well,’ said Grandpa, ‘during the Great Depression my family had no money whatsoever. I found two pennies in my old piggy bank, and I bought an apple with those two pennies. I shined that apple up, took it out on the street where people were hungry, and sold it for five cents.
‘Then I took that nickel and bought two more apples for two cents each. I shined them all up, took them back on the street, and sold them for five cents each.
The grandfather paused, ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
March 9, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“On his cross, Jesus once and for all demonstrated that peace, love and grace are stronger than hatred, violence and anger – and on his cross he provided the absolute proof that the eternal reality that will win, in the end, is God’s love.”
Originally published in:
Christianity Without the Religion magazine, June 2022
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
March 7, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Salvation is unconditional, not based on any meritorious deeds that we perform to earn it. But unconditional salvation is not automatic. Salvation is not conferred just because we are born, or because we have reached our 12th birthday, or whether we ask for it or not. Salvation is unconditional, but it is not automatic or universal. We are free to accept or reject God’s gracious offer of salvation. The Bible is clear about that choice.”
Originally published in:
Between Religious Rocks and Life’s Hard Places
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