756 results for tag: Plain Truth Radio
Nothing But Jesus
While it probably wasn't a New Year's resolution, the Apostle Paul made a resolution that can inspire and direct us as we prepare for a New Year.
Do Not Be Afraid
One of the most frequent and comforting biblical themes was part of the message given to three of the principle characters in the first Christmas. Join Greg for this Christmas message as we see that Zechariah, Mary and the shepherds were all encouraged "not to be afraid." We are given that same encouragement!
Joy To the World
Join us for this fitting special Christmas service of celebration and praise as Michael North joins Greg. Michael sings while Greg discusses the gospel contained in this great hymn, whose lyrics were written by Englishman Issac Watts.
It All Started With a Baby
God in the flesh decided to start out as a baby. Who would have written that script? Why in the world did he begin his earthly life as a baby? Celebrate the birth of our Lord with us!
God With Us and God For Us
Join us for a Christmas celebration as we ask and answer exactly what Christmas is and what it is not.
John’s Christmas Story
The Christmas story in the Gospel of John is the one that is least heard and least told in Christmas sermons, yet it is the mind-expanding big picture of the birth of our Lord.
Change Don’t Come Easy
The birth of Jesus announces the radical transformation of God's grace, a change that angers and upsets performance based religion.
That Baby Was God!
It’s so easy to sugarcoat Christmas, turning it into a fantasy land dream world of decorations and tinsel and holly and gifts and inspiring music. It’s so easy to miss the fundamental, majestic and mysterious truth of the incarnation of God.
It’s Not All About Mary
God came to our world in a completely unexpected and miraculous way through Mary, an ordinary teenager who was completely different from a woman who would have been considered worthy of such a calling. Jesus is still coming, to completely unexpected, ordinary people, like you and me!
A Love That Really Does Conquer All
God, in the person of Jesus, didn't just lecture us from on high, instructing us to love other people. He came down here and provided a demonstration of his love.
Hope – Even in Desperate Times
The real Christmas story is not a Pollyanna escape from the real world. The birth of Jesus takes place against the backdrop of politics and intrigue, pride, hatred, violence, taxes and poverty. It all sounds like the evening news or the morning paper!
From the Pasture to the Palace
Our career and avocation, as Christians, involves being humble, even as our Chief Shepherd exemplified humility in all aspects of his birth, life, death and resurrection. This week's sermon leads us to consider the humble beginnings of the earthly life of our Lord and the relevance it has for our lives.
Peace Arrives!
Our Savior, who rescues us from danger, disaster and destruction has arrived! The peace of God is a new kind of peace, not a relative calm between storms, but an abiding, eternal, internal peace give to those who can never deserve it nor ever do anything to merit it.
The Long Wait
The sermon speaks to our long wait, waiting for “the blessed hope.” Greg encourages us to "live and experience December" - to fix our eyes and our spiritual compass on Jesus, and recommit to receiving God's grace.
The Comfort of Christ
As we begin a season of anticipating the coming of Jesus, Greg's sermon is based on Isaiah's prophecy of Christ as comforter.
God in the Manger
Many of us are more willing to accept Jesus Christ as the helpless, dependent baby in the manger than as Lord of our lives. We don’t want to hear how he challenges our beliefs and our way of life, but the central truth of Christmas is that the baby in the manger is God!
Coming to Jesus
Travel is very much a part of Christmas. We join bumper to bumper traffic as we shop, we fly many hundreds of miles and travel our freeways to be with family and friends. Travel was a part of Christmas from the beginning, but at the first Christmas travel was for a different reason.
The Cradle and the Cross
Christmas upsets many people because at least once a year they can’t run away from Jesus. When Jesus shows up, things change, the status quo is threatened. It is a time of challenge and confrontation to religion and politics.
Is God Crazy, or What?
We don’t give him anything he needs. Yet God is madly in love with us… is he crazy, or what?
How To Be a Successful Failure
The Apollo 13 mission was appropriately dubbed, "a successful failure." Many defining moments in life emerge when we are on the edge of fulfillment, yet denied the thing we most want. Greg shares a biblical example and its lessons for how to be a successful failure.