756 results for tag: Plain Truth Radio

Marriage: Till Death Do Us Part

"Marriage." For some this one word describes a lifelong dream. And yet for others, it brings to mind pain, hurt and sorrow. The health and vitality of our marriages says a great deal about the society in which we live. Greg gives 4 keys for a successful marriage. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0044.mp3

Characteristics of Strong Families

The traditional family as it has been known is in danger of extinction. Our families -- at the very bedrock of our culture -- are broken, isolated and desperately in need of new life and hope. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0043.mp3

The King Has Landed

Our world has been invaded! We are living in enemy-occupied territory! But the good news is the rightful King has landed -- in disguise -- and he is calling on all of us to be part of his kingdom!

The Titles and Attributes of Jesus

Who is he? What is he like? Could you describe him? Most people have heard his name -- but the vast majority of people -- even many Christians -- are not aware of Jesus' attributes.

7 Deadly Sins – Envy and Laziness

Concluding a 3-part series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Greg deals with envy — our feeling of resentment over someone else’s possessions, and a desire to have them for ourselves, and laziness — the refusal to work hard. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0042.mp3

7 Deadly Sins – Gluttony, Lust and Anger

Continuing a 3-part series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Greg confronts gluttony — obsession with food and drink, lust — unrestrained sexual craving, and anger — the feeling of hostility and wrath we experience when things don’t go our way. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0041.mp3

7 Deadly Sins – Pride and Greed

Today we hear a lot about dysfunctions, shortcomings and chemical imbalances — but not much about the sin which plagues all of us. Greg begins this 3-part series on the Seven Deadly Sins with a look at the sins of pride and greed. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0040.mp3

Fear or Faith

In the midst of the storms we face in our lives we often ask, "Where is God?" And just like the fearful disciples on the stormy sea we ask, "Why is he sleeping?" Join us as we look at the contrasts between fear and faith. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0035.mp3

Living by Faith

In this first of two programs on the Godly virtue of faith, Greg states that faith is the only way we can thrive in the midst of our troubled times. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0034.mp3

Without Hope, What’s the Use?

Without hope we are spiritually empty.  Without hope, what's the use of living?  Today Greg talks about the hope that God gives us and how it sustains us in difficult times. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0033.mp3

Hope – A Gift of God

Dostoyevsky said that man cannot live without hope.  Join Greg for the first of two programs on the Godly virtue of hope. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0032.mp3

Love Never Fails

Someone once said that as old as the human race is, you would think we would have learned to love one another by now. Isn’t that odd since "I love you," are the three most powerful words we can hear? https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0031.mp3

The Greatest of These is Love

This is the first program of our six part series on the three Godly virtues of faith, hope and love. The Bible says that the greatest of these virtues is love, and that without love we are nothing. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0030.mp3

Thy Will Be Done

Abraham Lincoln said, “I’ve been driven to my knees because I know I have no place else to go.” Hear what other famous people have said about prayer. How much do you know about prayer? https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0025.mp3

God Listens

Prayer is frequently misunderstood. Some wonder what good it does. Just what is prayer? What is its real power? Are there different kinds of prayers?

Christian Credentials

Christianity is a career -- it's a profession. You can't turn Christianity off and on. You either are a Christian or you are not. Join Greg as he talks about the hallmarks of being a Christian -- about our Christian credentials.

A Sure Foundation

Moral values and absolutes are not fashionable today but moral relativism is. Yet, when we think about foundations words such as "concrete" and "bedrock" come to mind. Upon what foundations is your life based?

Christianity — What’s In It For Me?

The greatest concern on the typical North American mind is "What's in it for me?" Why should we be Christians? Jesus' disciples wanted to know the answer to that very same question. Jesus' answer is still relevant for us today.

What Is the Kingdom of God?

Jesus preached about the kingdom of God continuously, but what is it? Is it solely a future time or is the kingdom already here and we've not discovered it.

Changing Course

The ship of our life is much like the Titanic -- we're heading for an iceberg -- metaphorically the end of our lives. But there is an out -- the good news is that Jesus offers us eternal life. Wouldn't it make sense to change course?