1782 results for tag: Greg Albrecht

You Are My Friends

He doesn't call us a slave or a servant- nor does he insist that we keep our distance, as he is our teacher and we are merely his disciples and students.

Worlds Apart – a Book Review by Greg Albrecht

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 11, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “Healthy faith has Jesus and the grace, mercy and love of God at its core.  The Prince of peace is himself a river of living water (John 7:37-38), the spiritual Bread from heaven (John 6:37) and our healing Savior who leads us to his rest. Whereas healthy faith is Christ-centered, unhealthy faith is centered on regulations and rituals, on formulas, traditions and ceremonies.  Unhealthy faith (Christ-less religion) is often built on the teachings of a man or woman who founded a religion.  Unhealthy faith may use and appropriate the name of Jesus, while denying who he is.  Sadly, ...

All is Forgiven – Love, Papa

"To err is human, to forgive is divine." Divine forgiveness, illustrated in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, involves no bookkeeping.

The Widow’s Offering

Greg illustrates how easy it is to misunderstand and abuse the teaching available to us in the Bible - and confesses to doing so himself.

Q&R with Greg Albrecht – “How does a pastor preach to *perfect* people?”

Question: I am a pastor and have long thought that the way we Christians present our doctrines and ideas leaves much to be desired. How do I, as a pastor, handle well-meaning people who have it all wrong? For example, our denomination considers it important to live a holy life, not to earn salvation, but out of gratitude. Many of our members have misconstrued that to mean we must be perfect like Jesus in order to “stay saved” or we can't call ourselves Christians. I've actually heard some of them say they no longer sin. Our official doctrine makes perfection a goal to be worked toward, with no expectation to reach it in this life. If we continue ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 8, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “Many markets and outlets within Christendom are consumer-driven – they will give us what we want.  They have done the studies.  They are well aware of demographics and psychographics.  Religious marketing experts know all about you.  They know your preferences, your likes and dislikes.  They also know what you would enjoy if you could afford it or if you had the time. Religious corporations and institutions have done their homework about felt needs, as well.  They know that humans want lists, programs and self-help manuals.  Human beings are pragmatic. &...

Blowing in the Wind

It's the title of a famous folk song, but more importantly the wind is a metaphor describing the work of God. Join Greg as he explains John 3:8.

Reflections along the Jesus Way

February 6, 2025 -Quote for the Day: “The gospel of Jesus Christ is not a ‘you do this and then I will do that’ message. The new covenant God offers to us is not a covenant of physical prosperity, but instead it is a covenant of adversity.  We are asked to consider the needs of others as equal to our own.”  Originally published in: Between Religious Rocks and Life’s Hard Places ------------------------------------- Help Us Help Others - Give Now

Why Is Jesus the “Good” Shepherd?

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus used a person whose race and religion was despised as a metaphor of his own work - in the parable of the Good Shepherd he compared himself to a profession that didn't have the best reputation. Why?

Without Him, We Can Do Nothing!

Jesus' parable of the vine yields incredible insight into the nature of our relationship with him.

Intimacy With God – by Greg Albrecht

Here's some breaking news! God is head-over-heels in love with you. He loves you beyond your wildest imaginations. You might respond, "How can he love me that much? He knows all there is to know about me. And of course, anyone who knows that much about me could never really love me." Corrie Ten Boom, a Dutch Christian writer who, with her family, helped many Jews escape the Holocaust, once offered a word picture to explain how God loves us—specifically she was talking about how he forgives all our sins—past, present and future. Corrie Ten Boom said that God takes all of our shortcomings, tragedies, flaws and scandals and throws them into the ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 4, 2025 - Quote for the Day “Love is the one-word definition of God.  God is love, he is not filled with wrath, therefore: God the Father was not looking for payback from God the Son at the cross There is no such thing as eternal conscious torment in hell God is not mad at you and me, and God does not expect us to do the impossible, which would be to earn and deserve his love.”   Originally published in: Letters to My Friends ------------------------------------- Help Us Help Others - Give Now

God’s Grace Is For Everyone

Since Jesus invites us to the kingdom of heaven in spite of what we have done, rather than what we have done, does that mean there are no limits to God's grace?

The Perfect Storm

While the storms of our lives do not define or limit our relationship with God, they can be traumatic and disconcerting. Join Greg as he offers fresh perspective about the blessed assurance we can all have in and through Jesus Christ.

CWR Video – Progressive Revelation in the Bible

In this CWR Video, Greg and Brad discuss the topic of Progressive Revelation in Scripture. https://vimeo.com/1013235827 If this post has helped you, please subscribe and share it freely. We also invite you to help us continue to help others with a donation. Click here if you're able to partner with us

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 1, 2025 - Quote for the Day “Grace is a multi-layered word.  Its many definitions add rich perspectives and significance to our lives.  Grace speaks of abundance and gratitude, of charm and inner beauty, of harmony, mercy and forgiveness.  We say grace before a meal.  A dance or figure skater is graceful.  When a dept is owed and a bill is due, grace periods are offered before penalties begin.  The world of music speaks of grace notes.”  Originally published in: Wonders of His Grace ------------------------------------- Help Us Help Others - Give Now

Comfort For Everyone

Christ in us enables us to be wounded healers - transformed by God's grace that we may be vehicles of God's love, offering comfort for others in the same way we have been comforted by God.

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

January 30, 2025 - Quote for the Day “Christ-less religion has always attempted to eliminate authentic Christianity.  Religion has opposed authentic Christians during the course of history.  Religion attempts to bypass or improve upon Jesus – to modify and even counterfeit him and offer a false gospel and bogus salvation in the process.  Jesus sets us free from all such encumbrances that weigh us down, allowing us to love, comfort and reach out to everyone – including refugees who have suffered at the hands of religion.  Authentic Christianity teaches that God loves the whole world, while oppressive religion teaches ...

The Great Reversal

Greg explains that Jesus' parable of "The Workers" in Matthew 20 is a picture of God's grace, and that the kingdom of heaven reverses the values and expectations of the kingdoms of religion. Luke records Jesus saying, "What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight."