747 results for tag: daily sermon
“Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant”
Jesus is pleased with faithful servants. But how exactly are we able to be faithful servants? Our message explains the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30.
What Does ‘the Land’ Have to do With the Gospel? Part 2
Is any piece of real estate here on planet earth the inheritance of Christians and pilgrims and sojourners whose citizenship is in heaven? How relevant is any so-called “holy place” for those who look for “the city… whose architect and builder is God” (Hebrews 11:10)?
What Does ‘the Land’ Have to do With the Gospel? Part 1
The theme song of the movie Exodus proclaims “this land is mine, God gave this land to me.” How do we, as Christians, from a Christ-centered perspective, understand covenants of the Old Testament?
“It’s the Economy, Stupid!”
Jesus is the King of the kingdom and grace is the economy of the kingdom. Ponder life-changing insights about the spiritual dynamics of forgiveness Jesus gave in one of his most misunderstood parables.
The Full Extent of His Love
Greg comments on John 13:1. Join us as we wonder at the amazing and astonishing expression of God’s love in Christ and what it means for each one of us.
More Jesus Please – But Hold the Religion
Let's look at “Jesus Without the Religion," by looking at Jesus, compared with the religion of his day.
“Be True to Your School”
Join Greg as he considers how human religious affiliations normally respond to Jesus’ gospel of peace. Where does the idea of “being better” than everyone else’s god/religion/church lead us?
Throw-Away People?
If you feel you have ever been treated like a disposable diaper or a used bathroom tissue, you will appreciate the embrace of Jesus — for there is no such thing as “throw-away” people with God.
I Will See You Again
There is no such thing as “good bye” with God. Instead, Jesus promises, “I will see you again.”
Spitting Into the Wind
Just how much dirt do you need in your sand box? Greg talks about the primary lesson of the book of Ecclesiastes — experienced by Solomon, exemplified by Alexander the Great, and recorded by Johnny Cash.
Serving in Jesus’ Spiritual Soup Kitchen
We are not the final destination of God’s favor! He lavishes his gifts on us so that we in turn might pass it on. And make no mistake — there is a critical need for his grace!
He Is Coming, But Not Because He Is Mad As Hell!
Many seem to preach about a Jesus who will return to this earth because he just can’t put up with us anymore! The Second Coming is coming, but Jesus’ motivation behind his return might be a “little different” from what you’ve heard.
Remember the Alamo!
What does the Bible have to say about battlefield slogans and war cries? Greg explains a Christ-centered lesson we can glean from Elijah’s confrontation with 850 false prophets on Mount Carmel.
Everyone is Welcome
What would you think of a king who invites anyone and everyone to his son’s wedding? Join us as Greg says, “It doesn’t matter which one of the many ‘one and only true churches’ you join, flashing your membership card at the door of the wedding banquet will only get you thrown out!”
The Trap of Misplaced Trust
Counterfeit, knock-off watches look like the real thing, but when people buy them, the fake gold plating fades, internal mechanisms break, and soon the watch stops completely. Has someone sold you a counterfeit relationship with God?
You and Me and Zacchaeus
If Hollywood made a movie about Zacchaeus, Danny DeVito might be asked to play the role of this short man who made a ton of money. The plot? Jesus loved Zacchaeus even though no one else seemed to.
Love – No Fear
Religion is all about shame and honor, but real Christianity is about God’s love and grace. There is no fear — no shame — no guilt, in God’s perfect love.
Grace at Church
Grace can happen “at” church — but grace is seldom offered on religious menus. Join us in celebrating the riches of God’s grace.
When Your Dreams End Up In the Pit
Sometimes our dreams wind up in a pit. If you find yourself in a pit, even if things get worse before they get better, if your hope is in the Lord, he will rescue you.
The Pearl of Great Value
In this parable that helps us understand the kingdom of heaven, who is the pearl of great value? You may be surprised with the answer!