745 results for tag: daily sermon
Giving to God
God is an extravagant giver. He doesn't need for you and me to give so that his grace won't run out - God isn't dependent on our giving to finance his projects. But giving is at the heart of being in relationship with God.
Is God’s Grace Balanced?
The goal of grace-based Christianity is to be in step with Jesus, which often means being imbalanced and out of step with conventional religious expression. Join us as we discuss what it means to be in relationship with God.
Knowing God – In Spirit and in Truth
Jesus is not impressed with religions deeds and accomplishments, neither is he repelled by immorality and the failure of sinners. Greg discusses Jesus' ministry to the Samaritan woman he meets at the well.
Greater Things
In one of the most startling promises he ever gave (John 14:12) Jesus told us that we will do even greater things than he did. What did he mean? What can be greater than opening the eyes of the blind or raising the dead?
Grace Without Reservation(s)
Grace is the narrow road that leads to eternal life — it’s not crowded, it’s the road often not taken. Grace involves accepting God without any reservation(s). By contrast, the eight-lane religious freeway is bumper to bumper with people attempting to have a relationship with God on their own terms — it’s paved with good intentions, but it’s the highway to hell.
Scandalous Grace
Join us for the first sermon of a two part series on grace. We examine the story of Esau and Jacob and what it teaches us about God’s scandalous grace.
Let the Party Begin!
The very idea of any kind of party, laughter, and enjoyment of life itself is suspect in some religious environments. However, the authentic body of Christ sings, dances and loves. It’s a Jesus kind of church! The Bible reveals God as the lavish giver, the life of the party and the Lord of the Dance.
Love Without Limits
As humans we are plagued by shortages and limitations. God, however, is without limitation; his love will never be subject to some kind of “heavenly warming” effect that could threaten to diminish his “reservoir” of love. God will never run out of love, neither will he ever take it back once he gives it.
God Really Likes You!
Our keynote passage (Rev. 21:1-4) provides a snapshot of the picture presented to us throughout this fascinating book. Revelation contrasts religion and authentic Christianity, depicting our relationship with God on the basis of his love, rather than on religious performance.
The Master’s Voice
As the sheep of the Lord’s pasture he enables us to come to know his voice (John 10:4). How can we attentively listen for the voice of the Master?
Living in the Lord’s House
God invites us all to “come on over.” His house is our house, his doors are wide open. Discover what it means when Psalm 23 tells us that we “will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
Religion Gets Up God’s Nose
Join Greg as he rehearses Jeremiah’s sermon (Jeremiah 7:1-11) given as people were going “to” temple (church). God told Jeremiah to tell those who were merely fulfilling their religious obligation to be inside the four walls of a “holy place” that they were having a religious experience but missing the meaning.
God Is After You!
It’s one of the most incredible, stupendous things about God — he will always love you. There is no place you can go, no depth to which you can sink, no low place you can inhabit that would cause God to end his relentless pursuit of you. God will never give up on you!
The Walking Wounded
Jesus doesn’t break a bruised reed, nor did he extinguish a smoldering wick. He is our Great Physician who ministers to those who are at the end of their rope, those whose spirits who have been crushed — the walking wounded.
Have You Forgiven God?
Forgiveness can be a difficult, painful subject because it involves some of the darkest places of our lives, while it can also be liberating and filled with joy because it can only be given by the Light of this world. We examine forgiveness and we consider what some mean when they speak of “forgiving God.”
What If God Was One of Us?
Our sermon, based on Hebrews 2:5-12, considers our identity in Christ. As we focus on Jesus Greg recalls the haunting question posed in the title of the best record of the year in 1996. Was Jesus, as the lyrics of this song ask, “just a slob like one of us”?
Being In Peace – Real Fellowship
We never say that two people are “at” love — why do we say that two parties are “at” peace? Why not talk about being “in” peace? Join Greg to talk about the peace (shalom) of God, a peace that is not simply the temporary end of some negative external experience or relationship, but an eternal assurance of well-being that is a gift of God.
Experiencing His Peace
God’s peace is not something humans produce externally. God’s peace is his gift given to us by his grace, and we experience it internally, in our hearts and in our souls.
Intimacy With God
All humans yearn for intimacy, for relationship — and that’s exactly what God offers us! Reflect with us as we consider that without him, we cannot love him.
Prayer As a Way of Life
Worship and experience the Lord our Shepherd, as our message ponders what prayer is, and what it isn’t.