Who Is, Who Was, Who Is to Come – by Greg Albrecht

“Who IS, and Who WAS, and Who IS TO COME.” This phrase begins with the word “who”—a reference to Jesus Christ—and ends with the word “come”—which is also a reference to Jesus Christ, and his comings.

When people think of Jesus, they think of either one, or at the most, two of his comings. They often think first of what is popularly called his “first” coming—the coming of God, to this earth, in the person of Jesus. The first coming is the Who was in the title of this article and in the first chapter of Revelation.

Next, they think of what is popularly called his “second” coming—the future coming of Jesus to this earth. The second coming is referenced by Who is to come.

There is a third coming mentioned —Who is. Jesus is here now, in the present, he is risen, he is alive and he lives in the hearts and minds of those who love him and have surrendered their lives to him.

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