This is CWR/PTM – What We Do

Here’s what we offer at Christianity Without the Religion and Plain Truth Ministries:

Check out our many resources and ministries, centered in faith alone, grace alone and Christ alone. Our focus is all Jesus, all the time. There’s always something new happening on our website!

• Help Us Help Others: As a non-profit ministry, thank you for your support.

• CWR Blog: What’s new at our CWR Blog, with its focus on “All Jesus All the Time.”

• Christianity Without the Religion magazine: Enjoy the latest issue of CWR magazine.

• Plain Truth Magazine: Read the latest issue of the award-winning Plain Truth!

• PTM Partner Letter: Be uplifted by this month’s inspirational Partner letter.

• Q & R page: Questions and Response to various questions you may have.

• Books from CWRpress: Take a look at the books now available from CWRpress/PTM.

• Christianity Without the Religion Audio:This week’s timely sermon by Greg Albrecht.

• Plain Truth Daily Radio Audio: Listen to Plain Truth daily programs by Greg Albrecht.

• Online Resources: Read and enjoy a wide variety of helpful online resources.

• CWR Bible Survey: A weekly Bible study/devotional to help you learn about the Bible.

• Front Page: Click here to enjoy several compelling new articles posted monthly.

• CWR APP: Download our App for access to all our resources from CWR/PTM.

All this and much more is available at our website.  Click the links above to join us!

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