8 results for tag: wrath

The Wrath of the Lambkin—Part 1- Steve Orr

The Most Wrathful Book of the Bible: The wrath of a baby lamb? Oooh, A lambkin—scary. Sure, the Bible speaks about serious things, but the humor of God is plain to see for those who look. Let’s not be so heavenly-minded that we’re no earthly fun. Wrath? I don't know about you, but when I picture a lamb, the last thing that comes to mind is wrath. Here in Montana, some animals fit the notion of wrath much better: grizzly bears, wolverines, mountain lions, black bears, and packs of wolves. Our ranchers and shepherds make considerable efforts to protect their herds and flocks from these wrathful predators. So, in an attempt to find ...

December 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Not What Religion Expects – pg. 2 Kenneth Tanner: One-Sided God – pg. 6 Brad Jersak God in Our Image – pg. 7

April 2022

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: The Cross: God's Eternal Mercy Seat – pg. 2 Laura Urista: Trimming the Roses – pg. 5 Richard Rohr: The Saving Power of the Cross – pg. 6 Greg Albrecht: The Meaning(s) of the Cross – pg. 7

April 2021

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: When Jesus Rode into Town– pg. 2 Laura Urista: The Heart of the Matter– pg. 4 Ed Dunn: Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled– pg. 5 Brad Jersak: Pastoral Perspective – pg. 7

Q: How Do We Avoid Cherry-Picking the Bible for a God of Love of Our Own Wishes ? – Brad Jersak

QUESTION: How do you respond to people who object that we are imposing our own ideology of peace onto the Bible rather than letting the Bible speak for itself? When you "unwrath God," aren't you cherry-picking according to our own wishes for what you wish the text had said rather than submitting to what it actually says? RESPONSE: I hear this objection regularly, perhaps even weekly. I need to respond often enough that a standard answer has begun to unfold. 1. First, we must acknowledge the real problem of bias when coming to the text. We must admit the importance of being mindful as to how our prejudices impact our reading and interpretation of ...

Nov-Dec 2016

Articles: The Parables of Jesus--Part 2 - page 1 For Those Who are Banged Up a Little - page 2 "No" to Wrath and "Yes" to Love--Part 2 -page 5 A Little at a Time -page 7

Sep-Oct 2016

Articles: The Parables of Jesus--Part 1 - page 1 Living a Life of Love - page 2 "No" to Wrath and "Yes" to Love--Part 1 - page 5 "That's more than I wanted to know..." - page 7

Sep-Oct 2015

Articles: Can We "Make" God Love Us More or Less? - page 1 God Gave Them Over... -  page 2 The Bible Says It...but Does That Settle It? - Page 4 Reading & Understanding the Bible... Part 4 - page 6 Whiskey & Cigars? - page 7