3 results for tag: world

Is Everything in the World Getting Worse and Worse? – Ralph Woodrow

There are some who tell us in all seriousness that “everything in the world is getting worse and worse!” It seems popular, even in some pulpits, to talk about how bad everything is getting—“and getting worse all the time!” But the evidence is overwhelming that MANY things are better than they have ever been, especially in countries that enjoy the blessings of civilization. This is not to say there is not a lot of evil in the world. Many things are not as they should be. Nevertheless, progress has been made in the right direction. In harmony with Philippians 4:8, “… think on things of good report”—let’s consider some of the ...

Q&R: What is “the World” in John’s Gospel & Letters – Brad Jersak

Question: In John's Gospel, we read that God loves the world (3:16) but in his first epistle, John says we should not love the world (1 John 2:15). Is he using the same Greek word (cosmos) in both passages? Response: Yes, indeed, it's the same word! Go figure!   The thing to know about translation is that any given word has what we call a 'semantic range,' which is about how one word can be used differently in different contexts. In my article, "Reading from the End," I played with the different ways that an English word such as "plant" can be used. I noted that we define the word by how it is used in various contexts. ...

February 2017

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: How Great is the Love? – pg. 1 Cindy Brandt: Outgrowing the Christian Bubble – pg. 5 Rob Grayson: Fear God... Or Fear Not? – pg. 7 Greg Albrecht: "I feel like I never do anything right!" – pg. 9 Jeff K. Clarke: This World IS My Home and I am NOT Just Passing Through! – pg. 10 Josh Valley: Being Cross-shaped in a World Bent out of Shape – pg. 13 Brad Jersak: Ghouls, Ghosts... and Gospel! – pg. 15