6 results for tag: War

Can War Ever Be “Just”? – Part 2 – Greg Albrecht

In Part One we provided an overview of Christ-centered teaching about violence and war [click here to read part 1] and now we continue with: Part Two: Can War Ever Be “Just”? “Just” War The issue of what Christians thought and how they responded to warfare changed dramatically when the Roman Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313, legalizing Christianity within the empire, an empire that glamorized, lionized and economically depended on warfare, as a means of gaining and preserving its power. At this point it seems Constantine conveniently decided that warriors of a Christian nation are fighting not only for ...

June 2024

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Ed Dunn 8 Decades Later – pg. 2 Steve Brown The Father Never Leaves Us – pg. 5 Stuart Segall Navigating Grief – pg. 6

Q&R: Doing All We Can To Stop Evil – Brad Jersak

We must do all we can to prevent evil. It is time for Christians (at least) to try taking the Jesus Way on a far grander scale. I can't foresee that, but until then, I must start with me.

Love or War – Peace or Fear?

Many believe that the opposite of love is hate, but fear is the real opposing force, for it drives and motivates hatred and war and everything that stands against Jesus Christ. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR474.mp3  

Q&R: Why the Violent God of Joshua? Brad Jersak

QUESTION Where might I find some good help reading the Book of Joshua? I have spent ten years changing my paradigm, coming to see that God is good. But then I read Joshua and have so many questions. I cannot believe this is a good God. Why the violence? Christians don't need more excuses for their bad behavior. Please help me find a good book that can explain some of this violence. RESPONSE Thank you for asking such an important question. While not a commentary, I think you’ll find that our CWR press book, A More Christlike God: A More Beautiful Gospel, addresses the bigger problem—particularly the central section, titled ...

Amid the Brain Fog of Wartime – Brad Jersak

On Ash Wednesday, 2022, I write from a window-facing easy-chair, glancing over my laptop at the Northern Flicker pecking seed from a feeder, grasping for moments of stillness of heart. As an educator, I’m faced with the challenge of grading book reports and prepping lessons amid the brain fog of wartime, having spent an hour on Zoom on Tuesday, hearing the lament of a Ukrainian priest in Lviv between bomb shelter alarms. It’s hard to recall why what I do matters in the shadow of vacuum bombs and civilian casualties that have the stamp of approval from Christian nationalists. I’m tempted with despondency even as I recline in my place of ...