6 results for tag: unconditional love

Cinna, and Unconditional Love – Ken Williams

Receiving and giving unconditional love is beautiful, perhaps most appreciated when someone we love is taken from us. Daring to love and be loved helps break down barriers of selfishness, fearfulness, and loneliness. Jesus’ faith alone makes it possible to face life with our guard down. Those who rely on his peace have courage to accept life on God’s terms, willing to love and be loved, no matter the cost. Nancy and I are grieving the loss of our dog, Cinna. She shared her unconditional love and loyalty with us for nine years. Dog? Yes! But not just a dog. This was Cinna, the sweetest puppy in all our neighborhood. I would pat and rub her ...

May 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Stretch Marks of a Mother's Love – pg. 1 One Day in May – pg. 2 The Kingdom in a Person – pg. 5 Grieving Nels – pg. 6 Prodigal Sons – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

CWR Video – Greg Albrecht – He Loves Us Anyway

Short video on God's love by Greg Albrecht.  

September 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: The Overlooked and Ignored – pg. 1 Question the Question – pg. 2 God is Love – pg. 5 To Seek and Save that Which is Lost – pg. 6 The Prodigals – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Do we need to commit your life to Christ? John MacMurray

Ever hear the phrase, “You need to commit your life to Christ”?

February 2017

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: How Great is the Love? – pg. 1 Cindy Brandt: Outgrowing the Christian Bubble – pg. 5 Rob Grayson: Fear God... Or Fear Not? – pg. 7 Greg Albrecht: "I feel like I never do anything right!" – pg. 9 Jeff K. Clarke: This World IS My Home and I am NOT Just Passing Through! – pg. 10 Josh Valley: Being Cross-shaped in a World Bent out of Shape – pg. 13 Brad Jersak: Ghouls, Ghosts... and Gospel! – pg. 15