11 results for tag: truth
“Does the story have to be true?” Bradley Jersak
Recently, I wrote,
God participates in our lives. How? Not through coercion or force but through loving care. How? Most often, God’s care shows as people are inspired to love and care for each other; to embody God’s presence and care in the world ... to be made in God’s image and likeness is to image (verb) God in the world as God’s hands and feet.
A reader responded with this astute question:
I wonder. Is it God compelling these acts of love? Or is it our idea of God that compels us. I suppose a question I ask is—does the story of a good God have to be true? or can our idea of a good God be enough to compel us towards ...
December 2024
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Brad Jersak Sometimes, Waiting Is Hard – pg. 2
Laura Urista Great Gifts in Small Packages – pg. 4
Greg Albrecht Believe Him & Receive Him – pg. 5
Unique and Exaggerated Truth Claims – Greg Albrecht
We are over a year away from the next US presidential election. But already the equivocations, prevarications, character assassinations and mudslinging are being slung from one side to the other.
In an attempt to help further educate (or is it “influence”) “fact checks” have attempted to serve us, the gullible public, by informing us about what are facts and what are lies. But now we hear claims that even “fact checks” have their own agenda. Say it ain’t so!
We thought that the incriminating accusations would have ended at the last election – but oh no, it will never be over – politics as usual will continue with ...
The Color of Truth – Brad Jersak (with Eric Allaby)
On my first visit to Grand Manan Island, I met a new friend. Eric Allaby is a kind and fascinating soul who was born on this lobster paradise off the coast of New Brunswick. In the early 1960s, he was among the first to introduce scuba diving to the herring fishery (cf. weir fishing) and to personally survey the dozens of shipwrecks around the island. Eric went on to survey, map and salvage materials from Bay of Fundy shipwrecks.
Mr. Allaby, while continuing diving, would go on to become a map-maker, museum curator, herring fisherman and MLA in the New Brunswick provincial legislature, where he served for 19 productive years. As I said, ...
Tutu, Truth & Reconciliation – Brad Jersak
Desmond Tutu - https://www.flickr.com/photos/portofsandiego/
With the passing of Desmond Tutu, we say farewell to the architect and chair of South Africa's breakthrough "Truth and Reconciliation Commission," which opened the seemingly impossible exodus out of that nation's apartheid system without devolving into civil war. The model that he and former president Nelson Mandela managed has become a template for other nations who seek to resolve past injustices and find a way to reconciliation.
For those who don't know exactly how it worked, what Desmond Tutu realized was that there could be no peace, justice, or reconciliation without both ...
Summer 2015
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For -p4
Would you Choose the Truth Over Christ? -p11
Would you Choose Christ Over the Truth? -p12
"The Bible clearly says..." -p13
You Can't Imagine How Much He Loves You -p15
The Church As We Know It -p17
Regret--the Silent Killer -p18
Rx for Remorse, Regret, Resentment -p22
In the Shadow of the Mushroom Cloud -p24
Behaving Badly -p26
The Calf Path -p30
The Only Way to Really Get It -p31