4 results for tag: temptation

What Role Does God Have in Tempting Us? – Greg Albrecht

Question: I have two comments/queries about the Lord’s Prayer.  In Matthew 6::7 it states that "gentiles" prayed. Would that have been to "greek” gods? My understanding is this would mean Pharisees way of self promotion. Also Matthew 6:13 would appear to suggest that God has the option of "leading us to or into temptation" similar to Matthew 4:1 where Jesus was led to be tempted. Your consideration and insight would be appreciated. Response: Matthew 6:7 speaks of vain repetitions in prayer, and then has Jesus saying that the “heathen” (Authorized King James and others) or the “pagans” (New International Version) or ...

Did God Tempt or Test Abraham? If so, how and why? – Greg Albrecht

QUESTION: I really appreciate your daily CWR Unplugged programs.  Recently you made a comment about Genesis 22, and you remarked that God was not testing Abraham, but he was revealing the love of God to him.  So, I am struggling with this.  God asked Abraham to sacrifice Issac, but what, it wasn't really a test on Abraham but a show of God's love, I guess not requiring the sacrifice? But when I read in Genesis 22, it clearly is described in verse 1 as a test, and in verse 12 that Abraham had passed the test. Can you help me understand this better? RESPONSE: Here’s what I get out of this narrative: Sometimes a ...

Lead Us Not Into Temptation? – Greg Albrecht

Question: Does God “tempt” us?  I have struggled for many years with the petition in the Lord’s Prayer -- “And lead us not into temptation”. I have wondered so often about why should we dare to ask God not to lead us into temptation if in fact he will never lead us to temptation. Finally I just began to quietly change my words to “And let me not be led into temptation” when I get to this petition in the Lord’s Prayer. Every time I have mentioned this to friends they look at me like I am crazy.So, what do you think Jesus was saying? Response: The Lord’s Prayer, or as some call it “The Our Father” includes seven ...

June 2018

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: One Nation Under God?– pg. 3 Andreas Knapp: The Last Christians – pg. 6 Michael Peterson: The Matrix: Distinguishing Between Reality and Illusion – pg. 10 J. LeBron McBride: When Words Fail – pg. 12 Nan Kuhlman: Communion in the ER – pg. 14 Greg Albrecht: “I was tempted and I caved in to sin” -pg. 15