15 results for tag: suffering

The Unsolvable Problem of Evil – Brad Jersak

QUESTION: How do you solve "the problem of evil?" RESPONSE: I don't. We can't. To clarify for readers, the problem of evil refers to the question of how we can reconcile the reality of evil and suffering with belief in an all-powerful and all-loving God. Unlike 'apologists' for faith (Christian or otherwise) who try to calculate their way to a solution and imagine they can harmonize divine goodness and human affliction, I don't believe there is a rational solution to the problem of evil. We call such attempts "theodicies." While God does respond to human suffering, I never see God offer a philosophical argument that solves the problem, ...

Times Like These – Stuart Segall

These words (from Psalm 23:3) and imagery powerfully remind us of hope and guidance, even in the face of pain and devastation caused by events like catastrophic raging wildfires. My mother loved this verse - she had it embroidered in my bedroom. She understood the power of the image and the words of this verse. She often did not have the right words for my painful times as a youth, but she would often sit me down to face the framed words that hung in my room. Sometimes for me, it takes loss, death, setbacks, and grief to have my attention focused on these timely words. These painful experiences cause us to stop, listen, and hopefully look ...

Why Suffering? – by Greg Albrecht

During Jesus’ earthly ministry, religion generally believed those who suffered and experienced catastrophic accidents and calamities were being punished for their sin. But the gospel of Jesus Christ insists that disease, disasters and distress (or lack thereof) are NOT indications of a person’s inferior or superior spiritual standing with God.  The Gospel of Luke (Luke 13:1-8) tells us of some Galilean Jews who had recently come to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices to God at the temple. Pilate, the procurator of the province of Judea, the same Pilate who tortured and crucified Jesus, barbarically killed these Jewish pilgrims and mixed ...

Q&R: Why does God let it keep going? Brad Jersak

Why does God let it keep going? Even granted that “all will be well,” what is the true purpose of this existence when all the joys end, and some have no joy?

September 2024

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Gift After Gift After Gift – pg. 1 In Search of a Lost Art – pg. 2 Sister Rivals – pg. 5 Outside the Walls – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Q&R: What does “trusting God” mean in our suffering? Bradley Jersak

Question: Can you help me understand what it means to trust in God? I trust that at the end of this life, God will save me from the consequences of sin. Is it about happiness? fulfillment? meaning? And how does trust relate to those, like me, who experience the suffering of chronic illness? Response: That is such an important question, and I can see serious answers already embedded in your question. I can also see how you're asking warns against speaking of trust in platitudes.  Let's just start with the assurance that in and after death, God will raise us and heal us and receive us in the End... that assurance will ...

April 2024

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Has Christ made DEATH our friend? – pg. 2 Jersak & Young Memory Albums – pg. 5 Richard Rohr What is the "False Self"? – pg. 6 Greg Albrecht Did God Forsake God? – pg. 7

Q&R: A Six-Year-Old Wrestles with the Problem of Pain – Brad Jersak

Question: My 6-year-old fell down the stairs and hit his head, and got a concussion. Before bed tonight, he asked me, "If God is in control, and is powerful, and loves me, then why did he watch me fall and not help me?" Response: Your child certainly is a deep thinker! And deep thinkers have been asking that question for a very long time. At least since the philosopher Epicurus (about 300 years before Jesus). And those who try to answer the question always seem to stumble into rationalizations that end up calling good evil and evil good. So I've been praying and pondering about this for days... how to respond to a sincere child who ...

He Knows Just How You Feel

While it is physically impossible for a family member or friend to know exactly how we feel as we suffer and endure, we may be assured that Jesus knows JUST how we feel. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR453.mp3

The Dark Night of the Soul

In Christ, even during dark and troubling times of suffering, grief and loss, we may find significance and purpose. Join Greg as he discusses what Paul longed for, as he yearned to know the power of Jesus' resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings.   https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR434.mp3

April 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Logos, Light & Lamb – pg. 2 Greg Albrecht: Everything Happens for a Reason? – pg. 4 Greg Albrecht: Nailmarks, Scars & Doubts – pg. 7

Looking to Jesus – We gaze on the Light when shrouded in Darkness – Greg Albrecht

Greg Albrecht - PTM President Yet again we have been shocked at the perverse darkness of evil evidenced through the tragedies of shootings and terrorism.  Just when we think the valley of the shadow of death could not get any darker it does. We will mourn with those in grief and we dare not stifle their angry cry of lament. Yet again, the Psalmist's cry echoes across the millennia "How long, O Lord!?" Yet again political parties co-opt our grief and loss as a platform to gain supporters for their cause as they point out real or imagined inadequacies of those on the “the other side of the aisle.” Just when we thought politics ...

August 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Destroyed But Not Defeated– pg. 3 Brad Jersak: Grace Is the Real Offense– pg. 7 Blair Baker: Keep Shining – pg. 10 Jonathan Foster: My Soul Is Like a Chiminea – pg. 11 Brad Jersak: With Hope for All, Why Share Our Faith? -pg. 15

June 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Tear Down This Wall– pg. 3 Brad Jersak: Practicing Matthew 18 without a Bludgeon– pg. 7 Steve Crosby: Script-torturing Matthew 18 – pg. 10 Jeff K. Clarke: The Gospel of Sin Management – pg. 12 Richard Rohr: The Mystery of Suffering – pg. 14 Greg Albrecht: Politically Charged Conversations -pg. 15

March 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Following in Jesus' Footsteps – pg. 1 Grace Brings Grace Home – pg. 2 Walking in the Jesus Way – pg. 5 Fences Are for Dogs – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8