15 results for tag: sin

“Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out” – Brad Jersak

Be sure your sin will find you out. It's not getting caught that creates the shame. It's the secrecy itself.

June 2024

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Ed Dunn 8 Decades Later – pg. 2 Steve Brown The Father Never Leaves Us – pg. 5 Stuart Segall Navigating Grief – pg. 6

CWR Video – Is God Angry When We Sin? – by Steve McVey

Short video by Steve McVey about God and sin. https://player.vimeo.com/video/115937708

Q & R – Greg Albrecht – “How do you define sin?”

Question: I am seeking to join a church that promotes Christianity w/o the religion, but they define sin as "missing the mark".  Isn't that a religious definition of sin? I am moved to not join this church because of that, however, no brick and mortar church is perfect. What do you think, briefly? Response: I would say that defining sin as “missing the mark” is narrow and legalistic. Sin is bigger than failing to measure up to a standard - it includes that, of course, but sin is our nature - for humans, sin is part of our spiritual environment, just as air is to our physical environment.  Perhaps sin is a bit like gravity - a spiritual law (see ...

7 Deadly Sins – Envy and Laziness

Concluding a 3-part series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Greg deals with envy — our feeling of resentment over someone else’s possessions, and a desire to have them for ourselves, and laziness — the refusal to work hard. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0042.mp3

7 Deadly Sins – Gluttony, Lust and Anger

Continuing a 3-part series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Greg confronts gluttony — obsession with food and drink, lust — unrestrained sexual craving, and anger — the feeling of hostility and wrath we experience when things don’t go our way. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0041.mp3

“Go and sin no more”? Brad Jersak

Art by John Martin Borg - johnmartinborg.com Reading John 8 through Genesis 2-3 and the Prodigal Sons: Throughout Scripture, we see “sin” identified in a variety of ways, including moral failure, law-breaking, poor spiritual hygiene, character flaws, a fatal disease and a sinister slave-driver. And where sin is defined as “missing the mark,” Scripture implies the mark we’re aiming at may be morality, holiness, faith and faithfulness, love of God and each other, or the glory of God. In my blog post, Sin? Missing what mark? I suggested another mark: our love union with God—or RE-union (reconciliation) with God. In that case, ...

“Sin”? Missing What Mark? Brad Jersak

Periodically, I hear sin defined as “missing the mark,” as if this grand discovery will repair our misunderstandings about sin, the gospel or God himself. The imagery of a bulls-eye is recycled with each telling. And fair enough. But truly, nearly everyone accepts this definition, from Southern Baptists to Christian Orthodox, or divergent theologies ranging from the “hyper-grace” camp to hellfire fundamentalists. Some crucial clarifications are in order if “missing the mark” is to serve a Christ-centered perspective on sin. The first question can’t be, “What is sin?” but rather, “What is the mark?” Christians generally ...

Q&R: How do you read Romans 3:23? Brad Jersak

Romans 3:23 -- In my childhood, as a young Evangelical, memorizing Scripture was important to me. I saw and experienced its value and knew it as one way to commune with God. I also appreciated finding short verses that were easy to recall. That's one reason Romans 3:23 made it to my earliest list of well-known passages. The verse is an excerpt from one of Paul’s notoriously long sentences: 22b For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, ...

Healing Weary Words: Sin, Repentance and Justification – Brad Jersak

Healing Weary Words: Sin, Repentance and Justification We’re often told “sin” refers to “missing the mark” but then left to assume the mark has to do with moralistic perfection. Rather, the mark, goal or telos of human design and destiny is none other than love union with Trinity, with each other and with our world. To sin (every kind of sin) is to misuse our God-given freedom/energies to turn away from self-giving, other-welcoming love in favor of self-will. As it turns out, our forays into self-centeredness are also self-destructive—a turn from love and life into a wasting disease that would ultimately prove fatal apart from the ...

Q&R with Brad Jersak – Sin

Question: I have just finished reading "Out of the Embers," and you know, I never once thought about sin (at least "sin" as understood in my evangelical context). Does sin (moral or ethical infraction) mean anything to you anymore?  To God? Response: Great question! In our modern and post-modern context, the word "sin" often carries a lot of baggage and not nearly enough depth. For example, in the tradition I was formed in, "sin" generally referred to: 1. The "sin condition" I was born with, inherited from Adam's guilt... we called this "the sin nature" and were taught that when we came to Christ, we would receive a "new nature" or "new ...

September 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: The Overlooked and Ignored – pg. 1 Question the Question – pg. 2 God is Love – pg. 5 To Seek and Save that Which is Lost – pg. 6 The Prodigals – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

August 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Destroyed But Not Defeated– pg. 3 Brad Jersak: Grace Is the Real Offense– pg. 7 Blair Baker: Keep Shining – pg. 10 Jonathan Foster: My Soul Is Like a Chiminea – pg. 11 Brad Jersak: With Hope for All, Why Share Our Faith? -pg. 15

January 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Mission Possible – pg. 1 Set Free From Sins – pg. 2 Finding Humor Even in Dark Places – pg. 5 Birthday Cards – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

June 2018

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: One Nation Under God?– pg. 3 Andreas Knapp: The Last Christians – pg. 6 Michael Peterson: The Matrix: Distinguishing Between Reality and Illusion – pg. 10 J. LeBron McBride: When Words Fail – pg. 12 Nan Kuhlman: Communion in the ER – pg. 14 Greg Albrecht: “I was tempted and I caved in to sin” -pg. 15