2 results for tag: Scriptures

Reading from the End – Brad Jersak

Reading from the End: In a previous blog post, I wrote about moving "From the Letter of the Law to the Spirit of the Word." I wrote about how children move from seeing the letters c-a-t to seeing the word "cat" and, ultimately, see past the letters on the page to the image of a cat in their minds automatically. I shared how John Behr compared that to the apostle Paul's encounter with Christ, after which he moved from death-dealing law enforcement to a life-giving gospel. My friend and teacher, John Behr, offered a second analogy to follow up on how the first Christians' reading of Scripture was turned upside down by their experience of the ...

February 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Trending: Deconstruction– pg. 3 Greg Albrecht: Aroma of Love, Stench of Greed– pg. 6 Rachel Ramer: Heirs to Religious Angst – pg. 8 Stephen Crosby: Confessions of a Christian Idiot – pg. 11 Peter Enns: No Contradictions in the Bible! You Heard Me! – pg. 13 Brad Jersak: “According to the Scriptures” -pg. 15