2 results for tag: Romans 9-11

Why Me? – by Sheila Graham

The question came up in a discussion between my son and me on Romans, chapters 9 to 11. Why are some chosen by God and others are not? Though I firmly believe Christ died and was resurrected so all could have the gift of salvation and eternal life, sometimes the question why me or why you comes to mind. How is it we enjoy the relationship we have with our Savior when some of our friends, neighbors and family do not? In Romans, Paul writes that God hardened the heart of Pharoah in the time of Moses and has even hardened the hearts of Israel, his chosen people. Is this what we can expect from the loving and gracious God who is love itself? Is ...

Q&R with Brad Jersak: Was Paul wrong about Esau & Pharaoh?

...the "what if" exclusivist scenario of Romans 9 is a distorted construct of God (which stumbled Augustine and his Calvinist progeny). But in context, Paul thoroughly cuts off that error. After all, Christ revealed God as our "loving heavenly Father" rather than an arbitrary tyrant.