6 results for tag: Rob Grayson

God in our own image – Rob Grayson

  I believe that Jesus, and specifically Jesus on the cross, is the definitive revelation of who God is. If we start our quest to understand God anywhere else, we are liable to end up – as history attests – with all kinds of grotesque distortions of what God is actually like. Some of these distortions we see in the pages of the Old Testament, where God is said to have not only sanctioned but commanded ethnic cleansing and other moral atrocities. In short, I believe that we need to forget whatever we thought we knew about God – whether it’s from philosophy, family lore, popular culture, or even the Old Testament – and ...

Review of Brad Jersak’s “A More Christlike Way” – by Rob Grayson

I’ve been dabbling in amateur theology for a few years now. One of the main reasons I find theology a worthwhile pursuit – beyond the pure intellectual joy of contemplating and wrestling with some of life’s biggest questions – is that our theology inescapably affects how we inhabit and move through the world. Our actions mostly flow out of our attitudes, which in turn are strongly influenced by what we believe about ultimate reality – which, after all, is what theology is all about. My own theological journey has been one of significant change over the past decade or so. My perspective on key issues like the character of God, the nature of ...

February 2017

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: How Great is the Love? – pg. 1 Cindy Brandt: Outgrowing the Christian Bubble – pg. 5 Rob Grayson: Fear God... Or Fear Not? – pg. 7 Greg Albrecht: "I feel like I never do anything right!" – pg. 9 Jeff K. Clarke: This World IS My Home and I am NOT Just Passing Through! – pg. 10 Josh Valley: Being Cross-shaped in a World Bent out of Shape – pg. 13 Brad Jersak: Ghouls, Ghosts... and Gospel! – pg. 15

The Verdict Is In by Rob Grayson

Download or Read the Article: The Verdict Is In

Spring 2016

Articles: The Jesus Way - p4 Out for Blood? - p7 Golgatha: Collision of Sin and Grace - p13 The verdict Is In... -p14 Jesus at the Gates of Hell - p17 The Importance of Doubt - p19 Strange Land of Dread and Denial - p20 More Than Magazines (2015 Year in Review) -p26 Kissing Evangelism Goodbye - p28 The Jewish Teacher - p29 God Is Not the Witch -p31  

Summer 2015

Articles: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For -p4 Would you Choose the Truth Over Christ? -p11 Would you Choose Christ Over the Truth? -p12 "The Bible clearly says..." -p13 You Can't Imagine How Much He Loves You -p15 The Church As We Know It -p17 Regret--the Silent Killer -p18 Rx for Remorse, Regret, Resentment -p22 In the Shadow of the Mushroom Cloud -p24 Behaving Badly -p26 The Calf Path -p30 The Only Way to Really Get It -p31