6 results for tag: relationship with God
August 2024
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Brad Jersak The Gospel According to A.I. – pg. 2
Greg Albrecht "Divine Appointments?" – pg. 5
Ed Dunn Running the Race – pg. 6
The Christian and a “Heretic” by Ken Williams
How I view my relationship with Jesus determines how I see others.
Ken Williams
I joined the other passengers as we boarded our flight from Sacramento, CA to Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas. I looked forward to relaxing and reading. After getting settled in my window seat and greeting the woman in the aisle seat, I pulled my book out intending to relax and read. But that was delayed by the woman in the aisle seat who asked me if I believe the Bible. It felt more like a trap than a request for friendly conversation. I sensed that nuancing my answer would prolong the conversation, so I replied, “Yes” and started to read. She wasn’t finished. Other ...
A Wakened Heart, a Listening Ear, an Encouraging Word – Brad Jersak
Isaiah the Prophet:
Isaiah, son of Amoz, was a priest and prophet based in Jerusalem in the 8th century. The book bearing his name records visions and events through the reigns of four kings of Judah, leading up to the Babylonian captivity and a period immediately after the exile. Isaiah was commissioned as a messenger in a temple-shaking encounter with the Lord (Isaiah 6) and his prophecies included judgments concerning the nations, the rise of a virgin-born Prince of Peace, and the arrival of God's universal kingdom on a renewed world.
It's worth pondering Isaiah's relationship with God, how he functioned, and his example to us. In this ...