11 results for tag: Reconciliation

“He ran, fell on his neck & kissed him” – Brad Jersak

“He ran, fell on his neck, and kissed him.”


In the beginning there was complete peace and harmony between mankind and God, but that intimate relationship with God was broken. Men and women began to hide from God and became hostile to him, but Jesus came and through him, God is reconciling the world to himself. That can include you. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0100.mp3

CWR Video – Reconciliation – by Lucy Peppiatt

    4 minute video on Reconciliation - Lucy Peppiatt.

Q&R with Brad Jersak: What does atonement mean?

Question: I’m still a little confused about atonement as I’m learning a new way to understand it. Isatonement even the right word for it? Were we ever really separated from God? If so,what is the supernatural significance of our salvation? Response: Is 'atonement' even the right word? Good question, precisely because the English term has morphed. Originally, it was a great word that meant exactly the same thing as reconciliation. But over time, the idea of appeasement crept in, which many of us would regard as paganizing the gospel (e.g., Greg Albrecht,, NT Wright, Miroslav Volf, Cherith Fee, Wm. Paul Young, C. Baxter Kruger, and ...

April 2022

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: The Cross: God's Eternal Mercy Seat – pg. 2 Laura Urista: Trimming the Roses – pg. 5 Richard Rohr: The Saving Power of the Cross – pg. 6 Greg Albrecht: The Meaning(s) of the Cross – pg. 7

Cross Means Reconciliation – by Steve McVey

Short video by Steve McVey on the Cross and Reconciliation. https://player.vimeo.com/video/116384266

Tutu, Truth & Reconciliation – Brad Jersak

Desmond Tutu - https://www.flickr.com/photos/portofsandiego/ With the passing of Desmond Tutu, we say farewell to the architect and chair of South Africa's breakthrough "Truth and Reconciliation Commission," which opened the seemingly impossible exodus out of that nation's apartheid system without devolving into civil war. The model that he and former president Nelson Mandela managed has become a template for other nations who seek to resolve past injustices and find a way to reconciliation. For those who don't know exactly how it worked, what Desmond Tutu realized was that there could be no peace, justice, or reconciliation without both ...

August 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Destroyed But Not Defeated– pg. 3 Brad Jersak: Grace Is the Real Offense– pg. 7 Blair Baker: Keep Shining – pg. 10 Jonathan Foster: My Soul Is Like a Chiminea – pg. 11 Brad Jersak: With Hope for All, Why Share Our Faith? -pg. 15

February 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: God Loves Everyone– pg. 3 Brad Jersak: Religiosity Is Adapting– pg. 7 Stephen Crosby: The Original Prodigal Sons – pg. 10 Debbie Hughes: Deconstruction - a Poem – pg. 12 Sean Davidson: Deconstruction Defined – pg. 13 Brad Jersak: The Mystery of the Trinity -pg. 14

July 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Let's Make a Deal – pg. 1 Who Is God and What Is He Like? – pg. 2 Healing Weary Words – pg. 5 Reflections in Pools – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8 CLICK on MAGAZINE COVER BELOW for Flipping Page Format [real3dflipbook id="188"]

Radical Forgiveness: Why She Forgave Her Father’s Killer

How one woman (Margot Van Sluytman) came to forgive the man who murdered her father. CLICK HERE to listen to the radio interview by Anna Maria Tremonti (CBC The Current). Or CLICK HERE to read the story transcript. (Copyright © CBC 2016) Margot writes, "Meeting the man who murdered my Dad, disrupted my family life. At the time of that occurrence, I was told to trust. 'Trust what happens when authenticity of the heart guides your choice.'  Ten years later, that disruption has become an aspect that infuses my relationship to my family with deepened respect for each other. And, also shifts how we can talk with each other, even when ...