302 results for tag: Quote for today
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 31, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“I offer Revelation Revolution 1) as a Christ-centered remedy to the sensationalism of prophetic teaching and 2) from a compelling sense of duty in an attempt to spare others the inevitable loss of faith in God that is invariably left behind in the wake of such flawed and failed teaching. I am grieved to see that the same old broken-beyond-repair methodology of prophetic teaching continues to tease and allure millions into its destructive clutches.”
Originally published in:
Revelation Revolution
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 29, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“There are those, as you know, who say that the Jews deserved the Holocaust. I absolutely reject that insane notion. There are also those who say that billions of people will be slow roasted, for all eternity, tortured in hell, condemned by God because they didn’t measure up to his standards. I absolutely reject that notion as the epitome of un-grace. Preachers fulminate about those who will get eternal torture (what they deserve) because they weren’t baptized with the right amount of water at the right age by the right religious authority using the right religious creed. Many will suffer ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 26, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“Many people are terrified of a God of wrath, the God they believe is just waiting for the opportunity to ‘take them out’ and ‘teach them a lesson.’ That ‘god’ is not the one, true God. That is the same ‘god’ humans believed in long before Jesus – a pagan god who is angry, vengeful, and delights in seeing people ‘get what’s coming to them.’ God has been and is horribly misunderstood. When Christ-less religion continues to proclaim that misunderstanding, it causes enormous grief. The one true God is all about inviting us to embrace his grace. God loves us because of who he ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 24, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“To some degree the disciples couldn’t help but think that the cross of Christ meant that Jesus was a failure – after all, if he was as powerful as they thought, then why did he let himself be crucified? And then – another miracle – the resurrection from the dead! They must have considered some, if not all of these paradoxes just as human beings are not born to virgins, just as God does not become flesh, just as God in the flesh doesn’t let himself be crucified, so too are humans not resurrected from the dead.”
Originally published in:
Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 22, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“Toward the end of No Country for Old Men, Tommy Lee Jones goes to visit his father, who lives in an old shack in the middle of nowhere. He talks to his father about retiring. His father was himself forcibly retired when he was crippled in the course of his job in law enforcement.
Tommy Lee Jones is standing by an old kitchen sink in his father’s crumbling shack, drinking a cup of coffee, gazing wistfully out the window at the wastelands of west Texas. As I recall, he turns and says to his father,
‘You know, I always thought when I got older God would come into my life. ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 19, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) Jesus articulated a way of life that for the past two thousand years has astounded and confused those who seek to follow him. The non-violent teaching of the Jesus Way makes little if any sense to a world dominated (as it was in Jesus’ day) by a lethal, oppressive combination of warfare and violence by governments and by the tyranny of fear-based religion. The non-violent teaching of Jesus, modeled in and through his own life and death, is part of the revolutionary manifesto of the kingdom of heaven – a truly different kind of kingdom.”
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 17, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“… many people have been deceived into thinking that Jesus came to this earth to ‘satisfy’ the wrath of God. His honor has been offended – his holiness has been wounded – he was outraged by the behavior of Adam and Eve, and all humans that followed them – and blood had to be spilled to vindicate God.
The idea that many have, within the family of what we call Christian churches, is that God’s wrath was somewhat like that of a parent who finally loses his patience with a young child. So, the idea is that the Cross of Christ was necessary to keep God the Father, the mad Dad, the ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 15, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“The scientific discipline called ‘chaos theory’ presumes that some things in this life are unpredictable – and try as we might to understand ‘random’ results, we cannot. As you have probably heard, a butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon might affect weather over Kansas. There are so many variables, so many patterns of behavior and so many huge and complex components of life that outcomes might seem chaotic and random to us. There are many aspects of life that we can no more understand than a fish can fully fathom (pun intended) the water in which it swims. Our vision and insight is ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 12, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“God’s grace patiently helped me to deconstruct bogus perceptions and slowly construct a new reality, the real message of Revelation. My reading, research, and study of this amazing book has taken me all over the biblical and theological map, considering the trail that others have blazed in coming to terms with the message God gave to John. By his grace God has mercifully opened my eyes to the real Revelation, a new (for me) Revelation that helped to explain my experiences in the school of religious hard knocks. In my case, Revelation Revolution emerged out of the ashes of the ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 10, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“So, which comes first? Our forgiveness of others, which in turn convinces God to forgive us? Or is it God’s forgiveness, unmerited on our part, which then empowers us to forgive our own debtors?
We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19). Because forgiveness is the epitome and absolute power of God’s love, it is also true that we forgive because God first forgave us. According to the Lord’s Prayer, we persist in praying for God’s forgiveness only because we’ve already fully acknowledged our need of it and received God’s forgiveness as a free gift of grace.
Receiving ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 8, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“The real Jesus, and the authentic Christianity he gives, are buried, like barnacles on a boat, by layers of religious rituals, rules and regulations.”
Originally published in:
Bad News Religion
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 5, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“The Beatitudes are counter-cultural to an entrenched Christian culture that since the days of Constantine has been hell bent on ‘evangelizing’ through enforced conformity and ultimately subjugation rather than proclaiming the grace of God and the transformation he freely gives, through Christ, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). In a world dominated then and now by the lethal, oppressive combination of warfare and violence on the one hand with the tyranny of fear-based religion on the other, the Beatitudes are the revolutionary manifesto of the kingdom of heaven.”
Originally published ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 3, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“It is time for those on the right and those on the left to renounce fear-mongering voices that seek to improve their own advantage at the expense of continuing hatred and animosity. It is time for peace, not war – for love, not hatred – for misery, not revenge. It is time for us to beat weapons into productive tools for planting and building. It is time for us to fill our hearts with the grace, mercy and love of God, for politics and politicians will not save us. It is time for a vision of hope. It is time for new life rather than the darkness of evil, hatred, racism and violence, so that ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 1, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“There’s a story about an older gentleman who owned a classic Cadillac about the length of a small yacht that illustrates the deep divides in our society. The old man was trying to carefully back his ‘boat’ into a parking place when a teenager zipped in with a little ‘Smart’ car and stole the parking place.
The teenager, who had not been taught to respect seniors, jumped out of his little car and said, ‘You’ve got to be young and quick to zip in and out of parking places, Pop.’ The senior citizen continued to back up his massive Cadillac, rolling over the mini-electric car like a tank, ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 28, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“For people who are trapped in religious legalism, their god is all about control. They perceive their god as controlling all aspects of their lives, everything that they might anticipate doing or not doing is legislated by their religion and taught to them as God’s will. God, in short, is all about controlling them, he’s an overlord, and he does it because he loves them, or so they are told. For so many hundreds of millions of people, the god of religion never cracks a smile. For them, the god of religion doesn’t experience joy of any kind, and of course, neither should ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 26, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“As long as I misunderstood the Book of Revelation, I accepted predictions and date setting as a part of my life; failed predictions would all simply be re-issued by extending the goal line to some even more future and far off date. In my case, religious legalism and prediction addiction teamed up as a lethal one-two religious punch. While they both may exist apart from one another, they are cousins in the sense that they are religious co-conspirators. They contribute to one another, leading to the same kind of religious captivity. I experienced the ‘combo-platter’ of religious ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 24, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“The crib and the cross didn’t happen because God remained aloof. The crib and the cross happened the way they did because God determined, out of his love for you and me, to enter into his reality and become just like us and experience life as we live it. He brought us good news which we call the gospel. He didn’t write a book, lick a stamp and put the gospel in a package and have the mailman or FedEx driver deliver it. He didn’t send angels or prophets – he brought the gospel himself, in person.”
Originally published in:
Letters to My Friends
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 21, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“One afternoon a Hindu priest, a Jewish rabbi and a Christian TV evangelist were on a trip when their car broke down in a rural area. They were walking for help when a thunderstorm hit. They all ran for a nearby farm house and asked for shelter.
The farmer said, ‘This storm is not going to let up. You’re going to have to spend the night. Only problem is I only have room for two in the house – one of you will have to sleep in the barn.
The Hindu priest spoke up, ‘I’ll sleep in the barn. A little hardship is nothing to me.’ He ran out to the barn as ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 19, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“Paul is talking, throughout the book of Galatians, about slavery to the law. He tells us if we are convinced that the only way we can please and appease God is through our careful adherence to a system of rules and regulations we will be under a curse.
We will be cursed because we will forever be unable to determine whether God is happy with us. If you ask a person who is a slave to legalistic religion whether or not they know that God has saved them, or whether they will be allowed to enter God’s kingdom of heaven when they did, their answer will be something like ‘I hope so.’ ‘I ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 17, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“Never forget that the book of Revelation tells us about Jesus knocking on the door of his church – not just any old church that is not even Christian – but his church (Revelation 3:20). Jesus tells us he is on the outside of one of his own churches, seeking entrance! He wants that door to be opened so that light can enter, so the fresh wind of God’s grace may flood the church and drive out the toxic fumes of legalism and authoritarianism.
A man named George McLeod once wrote that Jesus was not crucified in a cathedral between two candles, but on a cross between two thieves, on the town ...