262 results for tag: Quote for today

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

January 3, 2023 -- Quote for the Day “The baby had created the universe, but he had voluntarily left the pristine perfection of eternity in favor of the mud and filth of that stable – and the dust and grime of the world he would inhabit as he grew up.  He chose to come as a baby who would later be delivered via the birth canal and then later spiritually deliver not only Mary, the one who had physically delivered him, but ALL mankind, including those who tortured and crucified him.”  Originally published in: Christianity Without the Religion magazine, December 2022 Christianity Without the Religion Magazine ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

January 1, 2023 -- Quote for the Day “We don’t impress God with our religious juggling, our spiritual dances, our religious hand-jive, ballet or soft-shoe.  He doesn’t award us spiritual points based on our gymnastic religious performances.   He intervenes in our lives, lavishing us with his grace, based on his goodness, not ours. Think of the wise men from the East who came to visit the newborn Jesus.  One day they were leading a normal life, doing their astronomical calculations, consulting their star charts, putting in a 9-5 day, washing their camels and eating dinner with the family at night.  They ...