305 results for tag: Quote for today
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 12, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
"Eternal conscious torment in hell is an unbiblical, fabricated teaching of Christ-less religion designed to keep its followers in line. ‘Believers’ in such teaching perceive hell as having positive results because 1) the fear of being consigned to the fiery coals of hell keeps the followers of Christ-less religion in tow, as they ‘toe-the-line,’ and 2) it gives those who are religiously devout ‘hope’ that God will see to it that those who do not faithfully ‘toe-the-line’ as they do will get what they deserve."
Originally published in:
Letters to My Friends...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 10, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Who goes to hell (or heaven), what the criteria is, how many people are or will be in hell and heaven, etc. – all of these are religious devices. Some churches basically teach, while many others carefully but strongly suggest, that heaven will be essentially confined to their little congregation or denomination, and that other riff-raff will be assigned a less favorable eternal destination.”
Originally published in:
Between Religious Rocks and Life’s Hard Places
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 8, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Remember the Old Testament prophets? They were a lonely bunch. They were always outnumbered by the false prophets – who always seemed to enjoy greater success and credibility. The false prophets had huge followings, somewhat like mega-church pastors. I didn’t say all mega-church pastors are false prophets, but of course some might be! When it comes to the true gospel, size doesn’t matter. British writer George Bernard Shaw once commented on the silliness of establishing truth by numbers. At the time the population of Great Britain was about fifty million people. ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 5, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Paul tells us in Romans 6:23 that our paycheck for everything that we do, good and bad, is death. But in the same breath, in the same verse, he tells us that the good news is that eternal life is free of charge.”
Originally published in:
Bad News Religion
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 3, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Have you ever just wished that someone would believe you? Have you ever been so depressed that you could only hope that someone – at least your parent or sibling or friend or spouse – would believe you? That’s what God always does for you and me. He always believes us.”
Originally published in:
Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 3
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 1, 2023 - Quote for the Day
“When I was in the second grade, my mother attempted (with little success) to attract some of my attention away from playing baseball to playing the piano. During my years of enforced piano lessons I became aware of (and later in awe of) the musical genius of Johann Sebastian Bach – often known as JSB.
After my baseball and piano playing days were over, I learned of a superscript/subscript Bach placed on almost all his compositions – ‘SCG’ (Soli Deo Gloria) – Latin for ‘to God alone be the glory.’ While my attempts to play the piano always fell short of doing justice to the ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 28, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Narcissus is a character in Greek mythology celebrated for his exceptional beauty. Early in his life Narcissus did not know how truly beautiful he was until the day he saw his own reflection in the waters of a spring, and seeing his own image he fell in love with himself. Based on this mythological character, the word ‘narcissism’ began to be used about 200 years ago to describe an excessive degree of self-centeredness and selfishness. Like Narcissus, we are intrigued and mesmerized by our own images in this 21st century Western world. We’ve peered into the mirror of ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 26, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Our spiritual transformation is not a process where we sit and watch. God does not force us to grow. We must consent to our growth. We consent initially, when we are spiritually re-born. We consent on a daily basis, as we yield to our Lord Jesus Christ, as the Lord of our lives. As we consent to him we grow, and with growth comes growing pains. God mercifully and carefully and gradually changes us. He challenges us. He works with us, teaching us and slowly and inexorably making us his very own handiwork (Ephesians 2:10). Our spiritual transforma...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 24, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“The stubborn insistence of the Christ-less perspective of Christendom at large about the appalling fabrication of eternal torture in hell as a just punishment for sinners is one of the most evil, reprehensible and diabolical of all dogmas and teachings – all in the name of God!”
Originally published in:
Letters to My Friends
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 21, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“It’s amazing what we humans find impressive. Thinking back to religious places I have been, religious displays I have witnessed and religious rituals I have personally performed, I remember many times when I have been impressed by dead men and women walking. Thinking back throughout my years spent deceived by the devices of institutionalized religion, I have taken plenty of tours in what amounted to spiritually whitewashed tombs. When I was a dead man living within what was actually a spiritual tomb, I thought I was vibrant and alive. I thought anyone not in my tomb was dead! ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 19, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“As Christ-followers, we run the race marked out for us (Hebrews 12:1) and are united with all our fellow runners in Jesus, a great cloud of witnesses, both dead in Christ and alive… we need not all pray the same memorized prayers someone else wrote, we need not sing the same hymns or participate in the same traditions, rituals or ceremonies… We are not united because we wear the same uniform or have precisely the same doctrinal answers. As we run our race, our unity in Christ is not a set of humanly produced theological propositions.”
Originally published in:
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 17, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“In this image, there is no more sea. In ancient times, the ocean was viewed as a realm of mythical monsters, a mysterious and frightening force that regularly took human lives. In apocalyptic imagery, the sea is the source of the satanic beast. The absence of the sea is therefore symbolic of the absence of evil from the earth.
As we read symbolic literature, we are always tempted to try to reduce it to our world of reality; to take abstract, profound truth that is so overwhelming we cannot possibly embrace all that it means and whittle it down to our size. Thus, we see ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 14, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“The deception of legalism is this: The greater we denounce and declare war upon external sinful actions, the closer we are to God. The truth of the gospel is this: The greater the emphasis on humans earning God’s favor by avoiding external sinful deeds the greater our distance from God’s amazing grace.”
Originally published in:
Bad News Religion
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 12, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Try convincing and persuading someone who believes in an angry God filled with wrath that God loves everyone. You will quickly discover that people get angry with anyone who tries to take away their angry God. Many believe in an angry God because they need an angry God. Ironically, they need a God of hate to help them feel better! Christ-less religion and polarizing political perspectives (sometimes coexisting in one very toxic mix!) are quick to accommodate such a desire.”
Originally published in:
Christianity Without the Religion magazine, February 2020 ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 10, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“I’m reminded of the story of two brothers – both of whom were rich, but they were rich because they were lying, corrupting, cheating businessmen. They made sure to attend the right church in town – the one that all the bankers and town leaders attended. Their pastor, however, could see right through the brothers’ deceptive ways.
One day one of the brothers died. The other brother went to see the pastor about the funeral. He said, ‘Pastor, I know you don’t think much of my brother – or me for that matter. Here’s what I am going to do. I will write ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 7, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“For most people, God is confined to heaven – sitting on his throne, with angels constantly coming up giving him reports. Some people picture God as leaning over, peering down at this earth, and at them in particular, and just shaking his head in disappointment. Their God is a disappointed God – a God who is distant, removed and ashamed of them and their conduct. Their God is too small.”
Originally published in:
Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 1
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 5, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“How do we know that all those who seem to have died without Christ have done so? Perhaps some of many of them have – but simply because a representative from our denomination did not reach some people group in Africa, India or China does not mean these people are doomed. This topic has been, and is being, used as a leverage and motivation for Christians to support missionaries. Of course we should tell others about the kingdom of God. But nowhere in the Bible does God tell us that the salvation of others hinges on our efforts. This is not to minimize our efforts, it’s ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 3, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“The refining fire of God’s love is all about burning out religious impurities which adulterate God’s amazing grace. God’s love and grace is ‘tough’ for humans because we are hard wired to perform and work and earn and achieve – and religion uses this innate sense of hard work in such a way that it places its followers in absolute opposition to God’s grace.
The transforming, spiritual purification which a Christian experiences, in and through Christ, is neither a Spartan series of legalistic hoops one must jump through nor is it an academic examination of biblical knowledge that ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
August 31, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Temporal churches – with their constitutions, by-laws, organization, decrees, creeds, doctrines, rules, rituals and ceremonies – can fail to encourage individual intimacy with Jesus Christ in favor of their own survival, their own preservation and their own growth.
A brick-and-mortar church that may begin with a few Christ-followers, based solely in and on him, can soon be overcome with standardized religious practices and beliefs, with structure and bureaucracy. What starts as a matter of following Christ can turn into a religious machine, which becomes an end in itself – a self-perpet...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
August 29, 2023 - Quote for the Day:
“Hypocrisy is so easy to see and identify in others, isn’t it? Mark Twain once said, ‘Nothing needs to be reformed as much as other people’s habits.’ And when other people’s habits are hypocritical, when they are two-faced, then we are often outraged. Hypocrisy is often called ‘not practicing what you preach.’
The hypocrisy that Jesus condemns is rank hypocrisy – living in an arrogant, high-handed manner, expecting perfection of others while being virtually impervious to your own imperfections and flaws. Humility is, in many ways, the polar opposite of the attitude projec...