2 results for tag: protest

Q&R with Greg Albrecht – “Should Christians Boycott & Protest?”

Question: Should Christians boycott? Should they actively use their “dollar power” to support or protest moral issues? Response: This is a difficult question and I don’t know that there is one right or wrong answer for it. I do know that there are many boycotts Christians have organized in the past that have not worked.  In fact, some of these protests have boomeranged and allowed or caused Christians to be seen as silly and perhaps even as hateful and mean-spirited people. Some churches and ministries seem to do little more than “take a stand.” Among such groups, it seems that virtually every month there is some new position that needs to ...

Real Change – Where Will It Come From? by Greg Albrecht

As the first days of June fall on the land of the free and the home of the brave protestors in the streets demand “real change.” Many politicians say we must “fix racism” once and for all. The thugs who either already were or who became criminals as they looted and destroyed explained that they were only “taking back what was taken from us and from our parents.” Justice is the hope and the demand. And how might that justice be defined and how will this “real change” come about? It seems Cain was looking for “real change” and “justice” when he killed his brother Abel. Cain’s answer is the human answer – it’s our ...