755 results for tag: Plain Truth Radio
Prayer – The Purpose of Prayer
Oh my God, help me! In dire straits even an atheist may call out to God in prayer. What is the purpose of prayer? Greg talks about kinds of prayer and the purpose of prayer.
Prayer – The How To’s of Prayer
Some people really don't know how to pray. In this program Greg explores what the Bible tells us about praying.
Prayer – Is God Listening?
Does prayer really work? Is God really listening? Are you seeing the proof that he is listening?
Connecting with God
Just how does one become connected to God? And what is the nature of that connection? You may be surprised at what God has in mind for you!
Citizens of Heaven
We will ponder what it means to be a citizen of heaven while residing on planet earth.
Citizens of God’s Kingdom
Loyalty to country - faith in God. Are they one and the same? Many, in the name of Jesus, tell you they are. But kingdoms are in conflict and the greatest conflict of all is that between earthly kingdoms and our heavenly kingdom.
God-given Freedom
We can have political and economic freedom, but remain enslaved to false religion. Of all freedoms, freedom in Christ is the most cherished and prized of all.
Freedom In Christ
Galatians 5:1 tells us that it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. In today’s sermon Pastor Greg highlights that freedom in contrast to the bondage of religion.
Two Liars
Did you know that among the all-stars of faith memorialized in Hebrews 11 that two liars are listed?
What Does God Look Like?
How big is God? What does God look like? We humans struggle to answer those questions and when we do we minimize and constrain God. We're trying to put God in a box. Any image of God is an illusion and obscures God, so what question should we be asking?
Refugees and Aliens
Oppression of all sorts made the 20th century one of refugees and aliens. Slavery, bondage and captivity are also familiar themes in the Bible and God reveals himself as the one who rescues and frees. Scripture says that it is for freedom that Christ has made us free.
Gossip and Slander
Ironically, gossip and slander flourish in church settings -- in religious environments. The stories told frequently involve someone who has failed to meet a religious standard -- who hasn't reached a religious bar. Don't miss this important program about gossip and slander.
How Much Do You Need?
Tens of millions approach eternal life just as they do their money. They think that they must earn eternity and pay their way into heaven by amassing a huge treasure chest of good deeds we've done -- a massive bank account of works. That's religion, not Christianity.
Spiritual — Religious — or Christian?
Paper or plastic? The answer boils down to personal preference. Many seeing the shortcomings of Christianity say, "I'm spiritual, but I'm not religious and I'm not Christian." Is being spiritual good enough? Is it the same kind of personal preference as "Paper or Plastic?"
Religion is Not Enough – Part 2
Can you find spirituality in religion? Can you find the answer in religion? Can religion save you? Can religion answer your deepest needs.
Religion is a Destructive Cover Up – Part 1
Good news and bad news. North Americans are becoming more aware of their spiritual needs. The bad news is that religion is thriving. Greg talks about how religion can be a destructive coverup in this first program in a 2 program series.
The New Deal, Part 2 – Why We Desperately Need the New Covenant
Greg explores the vast chasm between the old covenant and the new covenant and why we desperately need the new covenant. In Jesus, God came to change everything -- giving us a new and much better deal. Don't miss this program!
The New Deal, Part 1 – God’s New Covenant
Within Christianity there is much confusion about the old and new covenants -- about what they are and about how a Christian relates to those covenants. Hear Greg today as he talks about the new covenant in the first of a two program series called - The New Deal.
Needed: Fathers Who are More than Just “Nice Guys”
In Christ, fathers can be gracious without being weak, courageous but not insipid, and strong without being overbearing. As we honor earthly fathers let’s consider what God can do in and through them.
Our Father
Fatherhood has fallen on hard times. This Father’s Day we need the viewpoint of God as self-imparting Father wholly devoted to those to whom he gives life.