759 results for tag: Plain Truth Radio

The Universal Body of Christ

Paul's letter to the Ephesians offers incredible insights into the nature of the church - the body of Christ. Join us for this fascinating study.

18 Prominent Biblical Passages – and Why

When asked to provide a list of his top ten biblical verses, Greg was stymied. Here's the list he wound up with - and why.

“No” to Wrath and “Yes” to Love – Part 2

In this second message in our two part series we study Matthew 5:38-45, and the Jesus’ loving response to violence and hatred.

“No” to Wrath and “Yes” to Love – Part 1

This begins a two part series studying misunderstandings many have regarding the significance of the supreme demonstration of divine love given for us on the cross of Christ.

Conversion – “Getting” Saved or “Being” Reconciled?

When giving their "testimonies" some talk about "getting" saved - is that what happens? Can anyone actually "get" saved?

Them vs Us

Accusations and condemnations continue among competing churches and denominations - as do church splits and divisions. And then there's the seemingly endless, strident messages from many pulpits about non-Christians. What is a Christ-centered perspective about all of this angry rhetoric?

Faith Alone, Grace Alone and CHRIST ALONE – Pt. 3

When all is said and done, our relationship with God all comes down to CHRIST ALONE - faith and grace are themselves rooted and grounded in Christ, who is the very center of all that we are.

Faith Alone, GRACE ALONE and Christ Alone – Pt. 2

Join us for GRACE ALONE, the second message in this three part series, as Greg considers the much misunderstood, mis-used and abused topic of God's amazing grace.

FAITH ALONE, Grace Alone and Christ Alone – Pt. 1

We begin a three parts series which will carefully consider this phrase, so often used here at CWR. This week, we'll the teaching given to us in Romans 4:13-25 about FAITH ALONE.

The Not Yet Kingdom – Pt 2

While the kingdom of God is very much present in our lives now, the kingdom also has a future tense, when it comes in its fullness.

The Already Here Kingdom – Pt 1

This first of a two part series examines the present reality of the kingdom of God - Jesus said that it is here, now!

Just a Cold and Broken Hallelujah

Join us as we ponder and meditate about the love of God expressed to us and for us and with us in the life of Jesus, who experienced the disappointments, betrayals, and rejections common to us all — and through it all served us with his love — and he still does!

Love Is Action

God’s love, in action, is far from a dream-like never-never fantasy land. God’s love is real, it exists in and through the tough times, the trenches, the pits and ditches into which we fall — it is with us as we walk through dark valleys of our lives.

You Are My Friends

He doesn't call us a slave or a servant- nor does he insist that we keep our distance, as he is our teacher and we are merely his disciples and students.

All is Forgiven – Love, Papa

"To err is human, to forgive is divine." Divine forgiveness, illustrated in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, involves no bookkeeping.

The Widow’s Offering

Greg illustrates how easy it is to misunderstand and abuse the teaching available to us in the Bible - and confesses to doing so himself.

Blowing in the Wind

It's the title of a famous folk song, but more importantly the wind is a metaphor describing the work of God. Join Greg as he explains John 3:8.

Why Is Jesus the “Good” Shepherd?

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus used a person whose race and religion was despised as a metaphor of his own work - in the parable of the Good Shepherd he compared himself to a profession that didn't have the best reputation. Why?

Without Him, We Can Do Nothing!

Jesus' parable of the vine yields incredible insight into the nature of our relationship with him.

God’s Grace Is For Everyone

Since Jesus invites us to the kingdom of heaven in spite of what we have done, rather than what we have done, does that mean there are no limits to God's grace?