750 results for tag: Plain Truth Radio

Faith Alone, GRACE ALONE and Christ Alone – Pt. 2

Join us for GRACE ALONE, the second message in this three part series, as Greg considers the much misunderstood, mis-used and abused topic of God's amazing grace.

FAITH ALONE, Grace Alone and Christ Alone – Pt. 1

We begin a three parts series which will carefully consider this phrase, so often used here at CWR. This week, we'll the teaching given to us in Romans 4:13-25 about FAITH ALONE.

Them vs Us

Accusations and condemnations continue among competing churches and denominations - as do church splits and divisions. And then there's the seemingly endless, strident messages from many pulpits about non-Christians. What is a Christ-centered perspective about all of this angry rhetoric?

The Not Yet Kingdom – Pt 2

While the kingdom of God is very much present in our lives now, the kingdom also has a future tense, when it comes in its fullness.

The Already Here Kingdom – Pt 1

This first of a two part series examines the present reality of the kingdom of God - Jesus said that it is here, now!

Prayer – What to Pray About

Prayer is an opportunity for us to listen to God -- we pray not so much that we can change God, but that he can change us.  In this program Greg talks about our relationship with God in prayer. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0358.mp3

Christianity = Freedom from Human Regulation

How do you define Christianity?  Most people, Christian and non-Christian alike, would answer with a list of restrictions and taboos, but that's not a biblical definition of Christianity.  Christianity = freedom from human regulations.  Greg discusses what Colossians 2 tells us. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0288.mp3  

Despised and Rejected of Men

Jesus wasn't simply ignored or disliked. He was despised and rejected. What was the primary reason for the hatred directed at him? https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR252.mp3

Jesus’ Parents — What Were They Like?

The birth of Jesus was an unbelievable event - unique in many ways.  Two people were immediately impacted by this uniqueness - Joseph and Mary - for Mary's pregnancy was different from any other.  Jesus' parents - what were they like? https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0296.mp3

Audio Ministry Instructions

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