745 results for tag: Plain Truth Radio
God Gave Them Over…
The first chapter of Romans says that God “gives us over” to the consequences of wrath which we choose by virtue of our decisions, rather than the wrath he rains down because he is offended and enraged.
Out-of-Control Grace
If anyone ever had the right to be a control freak with others, it was Jesus — but he turned down that job description.
Faith or Denial?
Greg proposes 1) while denial and deception lie at the heart of Christ-less religion, faith in Jesus is not blind, and 2) Christ-centered faith always makes room for doubt, while the dogmas of Christ-less religion allow no place for questions.
Our Passionate Lover
Pain is inevitable in our lives, but, as we see it modeled in the life of Jesus, the suffering of sacrificial love is optional.
What Doesn’t Kill You …
When viewed through a Christ-centered focus, the saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger - is not about revenge, but rather all about how God enables us not to simply become stronger, but to receive life of the age to come.
Grace a Lot or Grace Alone?
Almost everyone loves to hear about God’s grace — they love to hear grace a lot, but when the message is grace alone, then almost everyone gets a little worried about the absence of law and regulation.
Grace at His Table
“Working” for good is far more common than accepting an invitation to a fully paid, no strings attached banquet — but that’s the incredible, too-good-to-be-true invitation God extends.
The House of the Rising Sun
We can all identify with mournful, blues-like lyrics that speak of addiction and slavery, for we have all been prisoners. We’ll carefully study the glorious significance of “redemption in Jesus Christ.”
True Confessions
The Bible instructs us to “confess our sins” — but to whom and how?
Children and Parents
The lessons we learn as parents and children illuminates the supreme and matchless love of our heavenly Father and the relationship he so freely gives us.
Where God Lives
We can never say it too often or too dogmatically: all that we are and all that we will ever be is a product of God’s grace!
We’ve Always Done It This Way
Join us as we explore facing change and living a new life in Jesus Christ.
Your Money Is No Good Here
No humanly derived resources are accepted as valid currency in the kingdom of heaven. Religious currency is counterfeit money!
Married to Jesus
Being one in and with Jesus is not a quick-fix relationship - it's a long-term commitment.
You Are Unsnatchable!
We consider the bold, audacious words of Jesus as he said, "No one will snatch them (his sheep) out of my hand."
Last Words
The last words of Jesus on his cross are a condensed sermon-like summary of his gospel.
Eating and Drinking
Religious professionals accused Jesus and his disciples of "eating and drinking." Why did they take exception with Jesus, who was often involved in banquets and parties, enjoying life?
Embezzling, Insider Trading and Grace
What does a sordid and sleazy story of naked lust and greed - of shameless and unrestrained desire - have to do with God's amazing grace?
These Little Ones
Jesus said the greatest in the kingdom of heaven are those who are regarded as least in the kingdoms of our world.