756 results for tag: Plain Truth Radio
Spiritual Food
Violence, crude vulgarity, smutty sex and sleaze -- spiritual junk foods. What is your spiritual diet like? What do you let into your mind? Listen as Greg discusses spiritual food options and about the spiritual food that satisfies.
Criticism and Condemnation
Toy trains going around small circular tracks symbolize a tendency Christians can easily fall into. How do non-Christians view us Christians? Can we improve our image? Don't miss today's program.
Repentance — What and How?
What's repentance all about? How does one come to it, and what's the motivation? Greg gives the biblical teaching about repentance, so don't miss listening to this nuts-and-bolts discussion.
I’ll Forgive You If…
There are times when we secretly take delight in other people's sins -- it gives us something on them. We don't want to forgive them and lose our advantage. Greg talks about forgiveness. Don't miss it.
Why Doesn’t God Answer All My Prayers?
Could the reason for our unanswered prayers be that we're just not good enough? On one hand we wonder why God doesn't answer all of our prayers, and on the other hand we understand the song, "Thank God for Unanswered Prayers."
Prayer: What It Is and What It Isn’t
If someone asked you what prayer is, what would you say? Greg takes a look at the Lord's prayer for guidance in order to answer what prayer is and what it isn't. Be sure to listen.
Have you ever said, "That's just not fair!" Have you ever been treated unjustly? Do you long for justice and fairness? Well, God doesn't show favoritism. Listen to today's program as Greg talks about justice.
Denominationalism can be characterized this way, "I'm better than you are." It can make us feel unique and superior. It's a curse that divides Christians and impedes peoples' relationships with Christ.
The Curse of Legalism
Do you think that God is unhappy with you -- that he's not pleased with the way you live your life? Where did you get that idea? Greg takes a look at the curse of legalism in today's program.
Are We On God’s Side?
America's enemies claim that we are morally corrupt and "the great Satan". This brings up a question, are we on God's side? Greg explores whether or not we're worshiping the right God.
Belief Behind Closed Doors
The disciples were huddled together out of fear when Jesus offered them peace - he invites you and me to faith and belief, out of a world bent on knowing only that which can be known by human abilities and senses.
No Sheep Left Behind
Jesus' parable about the lost sheep doesn't make any sense - it doesn't appear to be a responsible action for a shepherd, pastor or anyone else. Why did Jesus leave the 99 and go after one lost sheep?
Getting a Kick Out of Giving
In our materialistic culture many spend much of their time and money in self-centered gain and consumerism -- yet they're miserable. On the other hand, God talks about cheerful giving.
Jesus Still Moves Stones
On Easter morning, visitors to Jesus' tomb were amazed to see that the massive stone sealing the entrance had been rolled away. Jesus can take away the heavy stones that burden your life just as easily!
Give God Three Days
The message of Jesus' resurrection is this: Give God three days. It's a message of excitement and hope. Join Greg this weekend as he talks about how, if we give God three days, our darkness can give way to the glorious light of a new day!
The Power of the Resurrection
How significant is the resurrection of Jesus Christ to us? Quite simply, it's our lifeline! Don't miss this important seasonal message. Tomorrow doesn't have to be the same as yesterday.
He’s Alive!
The eyewitness accounts of Jesus' death and resurrection would be sufficient to establish the truth of those events in a court of law. Some eyewitnesses were martyred for testifying that Jesus died and rose from the dead. It is true -- he's alive!
Is Grace a License to Sin?
Since Christ's sacrifice is sufficient for my salvation, and since God loves me unconditionally -- if it's all done for me, then why be good? Don't miss Greg's answer to these questions in today's program.
Save Us Now!
On Palm Sunday we consider Jesus entering Jerusalem for the last time in his earthly ministry to the acclamation of crowds calling out "Save us now!" A few days later a crowd in Jerusalem screamed out "Crucify him!"
Two Parades
On Palm Sunday we consider Pilate, riding a high spirited military war horse, while Jesus sat astride a borrowed donkey. Pilate rode into town to enforce the rule of law - Jesus rode into town as the personification of the kingdom of grace.