3 results for tag: penal substitution

Q&A: “Does John 3:16 teach penal substitution?” – Brad Jersak

"God loved the world in this way: he gave us his only begotten Son." We read that God gave his Son to us to save us from perishing. Jesus Christ is the saving gift God the Father gave us."

Does God Save Us from God? Brad Jersak

Twitter statement: “God saves us from God. The One who mercifully drags us out of the rebellious city is the same One who rains down fire upon it.” Thus wrote a popular tweeter whose handle I’ll withhold out of respect and concern. God saves us from God? How so? Penal substitution continues to be the most popular Western answer to the question, “Why did Christ die?” and is the default interpretation for Scripture’s assertion that “Christ died for our sins.” Rather than treating it as one of many atonement theories, major denominations are now doubling down, dogmatizing it as a non-negotiable essential to the gospel and ...

March 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Thank God I'm Not Like... – pg. 1 Is It True? – pg. 2 Does God Save Us from God? – pg. 5 Human Sacrifice – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8 CLICK on MAGAZINE COVER BELOW for Flipping Page Format [real3dflipbook id="184"]