2 results for tag: pearl

Pearls before Swine? Brad Jersak

Question: I've just been in a discussion on Matthew 7 and we were wondering about the whole "holy things to dogs and pearls to pigs" issue! Apart from the usual interpretations (Dallas Willard & Richard Rohr both give insights), is there more from a Jewish cultural/religious perspective that teaches us at a deeper level, as Rabbi Jesus always does? Thanks. Grace and peace.  Response: Greetings, friend, I've done a little digging in John Lightfoot's Commentary on the NT from the Talmud and Hebraica, and checked a number of rabbinical sites online (e.g., "Stringing Pearls"). So far, I haven't found anything beyond what we can ...

The Pearl of Great Value – by Greg Albrecht

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.—Matthew 13:45-46 We turn our attention to one of Jesus' parables about the kingdom of heaven. In the Authorized King James Version the parable is called The Pearl of Great Price. As I normally use the New International Version, we'll refer to it by the title given to it in that translation, The Pearl of Great Value. Here's the widely accepted Christian interpretation of this parable: The merchant is you or me. We decide to look for Christ, and finally, after much effort, we find ...