3 results for tag: Paul Young

Are You ‘Saved’? (uh…) – Brad Jersak

A constellation of questions, common to some Christian traditions, increasingly makes me cringe. Are you saved? Is he/she saved? When were you saved? I know what is intended. They are identifying ‘saved’ with the moment I ‘invited Christ into my heart’ through the faith confession involved in ‘the Sinner’s Prayer.’ If that is how and when I was saved, I suppose you could say I was ‘saved’ when I was six-years-old. That’s when I personally and consciously responded to the grace of God. So why does that give me the heebie-jeebies? Was that when I was saved? It caused me to pause and explore how various Christians use the ...

October 2018

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Blair Baker: The Power of Imagination– pg. 3 Richard Rohr: Your Imaginarium – pg. 6 Greg Albrecht: The End of Guilt & Shame – pg. 8 Jared Brock: Bearded Gospel Men – pg. 10 Paul Young & Brad Jersak: Big God, Big Love, Big Cross – pg. 13 Brad Jersak: “Are Jesus' Warnings to Be Taken as Threats?” -pg. 15

Does Paul Young’s “The Shack” Teach Universalism? – Stuart Hazeldine (director of the movie)

Paul Young is on record as saying he is a ‘hopeful Universalist’, for which there is much precedent amongst the early church fathers. And in a way, who isn’t? Does anyone not wish that ultimately everyone will see God for who He really is then lay down their sinful and selfish ways and embrace him? Does anyone actively want to see anyone else punished for all eternity? I certainly don’t.