2 results for tag: non-violence

Q&R: Should followers of Jesus use the threat of deadly force in self-defense? Brad Jersak

Question: Thank you for your inspiring article, "The Day of Vengeance." What came to mind while reading it was the question of self-defense and the use of deadly force to protect others. My neighbor follows Jesus, is as wise as serpents, and intends no harm to others, yet ended up in a life-threatening situation. He would have used deadly force to stop harm intended for him and another. Thankfully, the violent man stopped threatening and was later arrested. Any comments? Response: My own intention (from personal experiences of violence) is to align with Jesus’ wisdom from the Sermon on the Mount. Some think Jesus’ call not to ...

Response to Your “Gospel of Non-Violence” Message

Dear Greg Albrecht, I’ve been listening to your messages for some time now, and 100% agree with your Christianity without Religion teachings. I love and support the work you are engaged in and find it both necessary and a blessing. It is the recent Unplugged Podcast titled “The Gospel of Non-Violence” that troubled me. Link to "Greg Albrecht Unplugged" Audio Podcast of "The Gospel of Non-Violence" As a Black American of a certain age, I’ve lived through a climate of volatile race relations and social injustice before. In fact this feels very much the same as it did in the 60’s, complete with the subtle and not-so-subtle stoking ...