3 results for tag: Light of Jesus

The Difference between Shining & Performing – Brad Jersak

Shining: In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus offers the Beatitudes (Blessed are you) as a summary of what the character of Christ looks like as he shines through the lives of his disciples. He then offers two analogies to encourage them to be faithful Christ-bearers in this world. "You are the salt of the earth" and "You are the light of the world... like a city on a hill and like a lamp on a lampstand." He urges his disciples not to lose the taste of salt or the radiance of light. And he concludes, "Let your light so shine [i.e., shine in this way]: that people may see your good deeds and [thereby] glorify your heavenly Father." Now, ...

The Storms of Life – Greg Albrecht

In 2002, BBC and HBO collaborated on a biographical film about Winston Churchill, focusing on the years just prior to World War 2. They borrowed their title from the first volume of Churchill’s six-volume history of World War 2, aptly titled by Sir Winston himself, The Gathering Storm. Life is filled with sunny days and not-so-sunny ones. We all experience the storms of life. One day we may enjoy the warmth of the sun on our face, and then the next day a dark fog accompanied by a driving rain is pouring down in torrents on us. Few times, (if any, in most of our lifetimes) compare with the exhausting, unrelenting intensity of the storms ...

January 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Nothing But Jesus – pg. 1 A New Beginning – pg. 2 Loving Doctrine More Than People? – pg. 5 Savannah Bananas – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8