11 results for tag: law
Q&R with Greg Albrecht – “Law or Grace: A Debate”
Question 1:
I have read repeatedly in the Bible about the “wedding garment” – most importantly, the passage where the man in heaven is seated at the table of the feast and is found not to have a wedding garment on. He is asked why and is speechless. So he is bound and thrown into “the darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 22:13). How do I know if I will have a “wedding garment”?
Response 1:
Great question! A study of wedding garments in the New Testament reveals that only Jesus can provide the wedding garment. The wedding garment is given, by grace, not by works. No amount of sewing or shopping on our part ...
Law and The Gospel – by Greg Albrecht
Friend and Partner Letter from September 2015
The distinction between law and gospel is the highest art in Christendom. – Martin Luther
Have you noticed that when you take God’s grace seriously, you start to hear advice, offered with a sweet, patronizing smile, that goes something like this: “Of course God loves you, but his love is not a one-way street – you have a contribution to make as well.”
If you are told you are in charge of activating, purchasing or producing God’s love, that’s law. If you understand that God’s in charge, that’s grace. If you are told that God’s love and grace are produced by ...
July 2022
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Unadorned Clay Pots – pg. 1
Freedom to Forgive – pg. 2
Thanks PTM - Keep On Rockin'! – pg. 5
The Band – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8
10 Percent Grace and 90 Percent Law? – by Greg Albrecht
Recently I was asked about a church pastor who preaches 10 percent grace and 90 percent law. Apparently this church has a clock counter on its website to show how fast people are getting to hell. This church believes that one of the methods of "saving" people is to expose their sins, and (by embarrassing them) guilt them into obeying God.
This church is but one of many which believes that the Ten Commandments (and at times other portions of the old covenant) must be preached to sinners to prepare them to accept Christ.
The idea is taught in several different ways:1) People must be convinced that they have a problem (that they are ...
What Does – ‘We are Not Under the Law but Under Grace’ – Really Mean? by Greg Albrecht
Many professing and church-going Christians fail to realize what "we are not under the law but under grace" means. Most agree that it's God's grace and not anything we can do that will make us right with God. Most realize and accept that Christians don't follow the rites and rituals of the Old Testament but they are often confused about the Ten Commandments. They believe that the Ten Commandments (except seventh-day Sabbath-keeping) are valid and required norms of behavior.
Here's the Christ-centered perspective we need. When Jesus died on his cross, he completed all the terms of the old covenant. He had kept its terms perfectly, and on his ...
What Does ‘We Are Not Under the Law, but Under Grace’ Really Mean?
Many professing and church-going Christians fail to realize what "we are not under the law but under grace" means. Most agree that it's God's grace and not anything we can do that will make us right with God. Most realize and accept that Christians don't follow the rites and rituals of the Old Testament but they are often confused about the Ten Commandments. They believe that the Ten Commandments (except seventh-day Sabbath-keeping) are valid and required norms of behavior.
Here's the Christ-centered perspective we need. When Jesus died on his cross, he completed all the terms of the old covenant. He had kept its terms perfectly, and on his ...
10 Percent Grace and 90 Percent Law? – Greg Albrecht
Recently I was asked about a church pastor who preaches 10 percent grace and 90 percent law. Apparently this church has a clock counter on its website to show how fast people are getting to hell. This church believes that one of the methods of "saving" people is to expose their sins, and (by embarrassing them) guilt them into obeying God.
This church is but one of many which believes that the Ten Commandments (and at times other portions of the old covenant) must be preached to sinners to prepare them to accept Christ.
The idea is taught in several different ways:
1) People must be convinced that they have a problem (that they are sinners) ...
March 2021
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The Crux of Our Faith – pg. 1
A Far, Far Better Rest – pg. 2
When I AM Lifted Up – pg. 5
Places I've Been – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8
May 2020
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Grace Is the Gospel of Christ – pg. 1
The Narrow Door – pg. 2
Want to Hear a Good Story? – pg. 5
Franny and Bonnie – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8
March 2020
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Following in Jesus' Footsteps – pg. 1
Grace Brings Grace Home – pg. 2
Walking in the Jesus Way – pg. 5
Fences Are for Dogs – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8
Jul-Aug 16
Beatitudes--Part 4 - page 1
I Fought the Law - page 2
Obedience is Dangerous - page 5
Is Jesus a Protestant? - page 7