39 results for tag: Laura Urista
Great Gifts in Small Packages – by Laura Urista
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God” (1 John 4:7).
Two Christmases ago, after exchanging all the other presents, our daughter gave my husband Juan and me a small beautifully wrapped package. She had saved it and asked us to open it last. At first, we were a little confused, because the contents looked like a positive Covid test, but I suddenly realized it was a positive pregnancy test. The tears started flowing as I understood that we were going to have a new addition to the family!
What joy the news of a precious new life brings to any family. ...
CWR Video – Agape Means Respect
In this CWR video, Brad and Laura explore how the Greek word for love, Agape, also means a keen value or worth of the other, or in a word, respect.
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December 2024
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Brad Jersak Sometimes, Waiting Is Hard – pg. 2
Laura Urista Great Gifts in Small Packages – pg. 4
Greg Albrecht Believe Him & Receive Him – pg. 5
Religious Ideas Have Consequences! – Laura Urista
My sister is in the hospital in ICU. She hasn't taken any of her meds for diabetes or heart issues for 2 years. My sister has neglected her health to the point where she has sepsis, a blood sugar of 580 and is hallucinating at the hospital. Her heart is extremely weak, and they aren't sure she's going to survive this.
She and my niece (her oldest daughter) have become obsessed with end-times videos on YouTube, particularly Rapture Watchers. They are so convinced that the rapture is going to happen that my niece basically doesn't work and her 2 youngest kids are not being educated. They are 10 and 8. The 10-year-old reads at a 1st ...
Breaking News: Don’t Worry – by Laura Urista
“If worry can’t change anything, why do you do it so much?” Luke 12:25 (The Voice translation)
“Worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.” (Mark Twain)
“Don’t worry … be happy!” (Bob Marley)
My name is Laura and I’m a worrier. I hate to admit it. I don’t like to worry, or even want to… but I do. To be honest, I think I might be addicted to worrying. Even when things in my life are basically going well, and I don’t have a logical reason to worry, I “borrow” worry by dwelling on what-if scenarios – not only worrying for myself and my husband, but for my grown kids, grandkids, friends and their kids and ...
Advent: Awaiting Arrivals – by Laura Urista
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)
Advent is a time of expectation, anticipation and waiting. Ancient Israel awaited the arrival of a Savior – the Messiah to establish his kingdom of peace. The Magi awaited the arrival of a magnificent star to guide them to the newborn king. Mary awaited the arrival of her son, whom she named Jesus (Savior). Every year at Christmas-time, we await the arrival of friends and family at dinners and celebrations.
The Hope of New Life – by Laura Urista
“Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18).
My husband and I (also known as “Pops” and “Gaga”) are celebrating the recent birth of our daughter Tawny’s (and son-in-law James’) first child – our third grand-daughter! We’ve previously been blessed with two grand-daughters (ages seven and two-and-a-half) from our son and daughter-in-law. Pardon my personal reflection, but of course the addition of a new baby to a family brings so much joy and hopeful anticipation! I am sure many of you have experienced your own times of joy, hope and new birth!
New life is ...
25 Father’s Days – by Laura Urista
This year marks the 25th Father’s Day since my dad passed away. It’s hard for me to imagine he’s been gone for a quarter-century. I’m the youngest of five children, and of all of us, I probably had the closest relationship with our dad.
Dad was a “career Navy man” entering the Navy at age 17 shortly before the United States entered World War 2. He ran a “tight ship” at home and was strict with me and my older siblings. When I was three years old, Dad joined a strict, legalistic church that dramatically impacted all of our lives. Church doctrines and culture further amplified Dad’s strict ...
June 2023
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Greg Albrecht: He Is Who He Says He Is – pg. 2
Laura Urista: 25 Father's Days – pg. 4
Brad Jersak: This God Comes Down – pg. 7
My Two “Moms” by Laura Urista
My mom, Charlotte Jean (“Jeannie” to those closest to her) passed away nearly eleven years ago. If she had lived, she would have celebrated her 97th birthday a few months ago. My mother-in-law, Teresa, would have been 90 years old this year. But as I write this, she died nearly two years ago.
As I think about my two “moms”—these two wonderful matriarchs I was blessed to have in my life—I am struck by the stark contrast in my unique relationships with each of them.
My mom and I had what would be considered a fairly close relationship, but like many mothers and daughters, we excelled at “pushing each other’s ...
Trimming the Roses – by Laura Urista
A person who is good at reviving dead plants (or keeping plants healthy and vibrant) is often known as a “green thumb.” If there is such a nickname for someone who’s not very good at taking care of plants, I suppose it might be a “brown thumb.” That would come closer to describing my ability (or rather, inability) to take care of plants, bushes and flowers. My husband teases me that I have trouble just keeping silk plants alive!
But here in Southern California even a “brown thumb” like me can somehow manage to keep rose bushes alive, so that each spring we enjoy beautiful, vibrant rose blooms in front of ...
Christmas Presence – by Laura Urista
We’ve celebrated many memorable Christmases over the years. Sometimes it was a special trip or a special meal with all the family gathered in one place which made the day so memorable. But the one Christmas that stands out in my mind as the most memorable was not a very merry one. It is so memorable to me because I learned a valuable lesson.
It was December “1990-something” and our daughter, Tawny, wanted a new bike for Christmas. After much searching, my husband and I found a bike that was the perfect size and in her favorite color—purple. With smiles of anticipation, we beamed with pride and joy as our wide-eyed little girl opened ...
Arrival of Joy – by Laura Urista
From a young age, we are taught that Christmas time is always filled with happiness, joy and fun. We are assured, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” We are inundated with advertisements about products, foods and experiences guaranteed to fill us with joy. We rush around, busy with extra activities meant to brighten the holidays for ourselves and others—addressing and mailing greeting cards, purchasing gifts, wrapping and hiding them. We search for the perfect tree, haul it into our house and spend hours decorating it. We purchase all the ingredients to prepare our favorite holiday recipes. Amid bright, sparkling lights and ...
Out of the Tribulation Closet – by Laura Urista
When our world seems to be spinning out of control, when fear and panic spread like wildfires, we cling desperately to tangible things that give us a sense of security.
At such times, many hoard emergency supplies, attempting to gain control over their own circumstances.
“Out of the Tribulation Closet” by CWRm and Plain Truth managing editor, Laura Urista, offers an encouraging perspective on fear and anxiety. We share this article from our April 2020 CWRm to help readers focus on the eternal security found only in our one True Provider and Healer.
Read - "Out of the Tribulation Closet"
November 2022
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Generosity Without Expectations – pg. 1
The Peace of Thanksgiving – pg. 2
Count Your Blessings – pg. 5
Infernal Interruptions! – pg. 6
In Plane Site – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8
The Gospel According to Pooh-Bear! – by Laura Urista
I am a “Pooh” collector. Not quite a “Pooh-holic” or a “Crazy Pooh lady” – but close! Lots of friends have asked me what made me decide to collect all things “Winnie-the-Pooh” over the years. It’s a long story, going back over 55 years.
It was the summer of 1966 and my family had just moved from a tiny town in North Dakota to a slightly larger town in Texas. My Dad had just become a member of a strict, legalistic church and he was determined that his four school-age children should attend “God’s school” – a private school founded and run by the church he had recently joined.
A few months after our move, I ...
The Heart of the Matter – by Laura Urista
If you knew for certain you only had a few hours left on earth, how would you spend those last precious hours? What would be the most important thing you’d want to do? I think I would want to tell my dear ones how much I love them and give some instructions about what I would want them to do going forward—to help comfort and prepare them.
Sometimes people will give what is called a “deathbed confession” or provide their final wishes or last will and testament in their final precious moments. In any case, this is a time when you want to truly get to “the heart of the matter.”
This is exactly what Jesus did on the night before his ...
What Are We Really Singing? – by Laura Urista
We praise Thee O God our Redeemer, Creator, in grateful devotion our tribute we bring. We lay it before Thee, we kneel and adore Thee, we bless Thy holy name, glad praises we sing. (Netherlands folk song text by Julia Cady Cory).
Those are the opening words to my very first “favorite hymn.” I can remember singing those words at age four, surrounded by my family and hundreds of worshippers at a large church gathering. I still get goosebumps thinking of the shared joy of singing hymns of praise and worship with my parents, brothers and sisters as well as my spiritual “brothers and sisters in the Lord.” This great old hymn remains one of ...
Out of the Harbor – by Laura Urista
A recent news headline caught my attention – it said “If you have an office job – this is the most dangerous thing you will do all day.” Well, I work in an office so I had to read that article! Guess what it said? The most dangerous thing I do all day is sit. Our bodies were made to move around. We weren’t created to sit all day. The article said that even if you just stand up and move around for a few minutes every hour it can increase your life expectancy.
Then I thought of my ancestors. My great grandmother lived to be over 100. My grandma, Olga, lived to be age 98. She was born in the late 1800s on a homestead in North Dakota. I ...
The Best Father’s Day Gift – by Laura Urista
Father’s Day has always had special meaning for me. I was born on Father’s Day. At the time of my birth my dad had moved away from North Carolina to Ohio to start a new job. My mom had been advised by her doctor not to travel, so she and my four siblings remained in North Carolina, near most of my dad’s family.
The day I was born, Dad’s sister, Aunt Bea, called my dad to let him know he had a new baby girl. But I was born with low birth weight, jaundice, lung trouble and I needed blood transfusions. The doctor was afraid I wouldn’t make it.
That was the beginning of a special bond between me, my dad and our heavenly Father. Dad ...