8 results for tag: kingdom of god

July 2024

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: A Five-Cent Ice Cream Cone – pg. 1 Freedom, Festival & Fireworks – pg. 2 Why Worship God? – pg. 5 Life Is Messy! – pg. 6 Pen Pals – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

What Is the Kingdom of God?

Jesus preached about the kingdom of God continuously, but what is it? Is it solely a future time or is the kingdom already here and we've not discovered it.

Seeking the Kingdom

As we discuss the kingdom of God, we will take some time to study five specific facets of God’s love that illustrate his kingdom.   https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR355.mp3

September 2022

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Walking With Jesus – pg. 1 Our Daily Walk – pg. 2 Living in the Way – pg. 5 God Surrenders to Us in Love – pg. 6 Donkey Rescue – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Kingdoms and Empires Come and Go – by Greg Albrecht

Friend and Partner Letter from July 2022 America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great—attributed to “Democracy in America” (published in 1835) by French diplomat/historian Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859). For Canadians and Americans, this month of July brings our national histories into focus: July 1 is Canada Day, a celebration of Canadian confederation in 1867. July 4 is memorialized in the United States as the birth of American independence in 1776. As citizens and Christ-followers, we honor and respect the country in which we live. But we do not worship our country or ...

October 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Faith Beyond Factions– pg. 3 Greg Albrecht: Jesus Invites Outsiders– pg. 6 Keith Giles: Attack of the "Love Buts" – pg. 10 Brian Zahnd: War of the Lamb – pg. 12 Greg Albrecht: Loving Sinners, Hating Sins? -pg. 15

August 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Healthy Faith or Toxic Religion?– pg. 1 Keith Giles: The Gospel: Information or Transformation?– pg. 6 Brad Jersak: Is Christ in All People or Only in Christians? – pg. 10 Peter Enns: The Bible's True Purpose – pg. 12 Brad Jersak: Three Visions of Salvation -pg. 14

November 2018

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Enslaved by Religion...Or Free in Christ? – pg. 1 Success by Excess Is Not True Greatness – pg. 2 Thanksgiving Banquets and the Kingdom of Heaven – pg. 5 When Life Downsizes – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8 CLICK on MAGAZINE COVER BELOW for Flipping Page Format [real3dflipbook id="180"]