4 results for tag: just war

Can War Ever Be “Just”? – Part 4 – Greg Albrecht

In Part One we provided an overview of Christ-centered teaching about violence and war [click here to read part 1], in Part Two we summarized two views – 1) Just War and War Is Always Wrong – It Is Never Just, [click here to read part 2], in Part Three we considered, assuming the given principles of just war, Two Wars in 2024 [click here to read part 3], and now we conclude with: Part Four: Can War Ever Be “Just”? Jesus and Warfare – the Kingdom of God Vs. The Kingdoms of This World While the topic of war is huge and impossible to adequately address in a brief answer, here is a brief summary of Christ-centered principles about ...

Can War Ever Be “Just”? – Part 3 – Greg Albrecht

In Part One we provided an overview of Christ-centered teaching about violence and war [click here to read part 1], in Part Two we summarized two views – 1) Just War and 2) War is Always Wrong – It Is Never Just [click here to read part 2], and now we continue with: Part Three:  Can War Ever Be “Just”? Two Wars in 2024 Part of your question specifically concerns the Israeli-Hamas war. You asked about the pro-Palestinian protestors and their demands that war be fair and equal.  If we believe war is never “just” then both parties in this war, like all other wars, are wrong. No further discussion needed. By the ...

Can War Ever Be “Just”? – Part 2 – Greg Albrecht

In Part One we provided an overview of Christ-centered teaching about violence and war [click here to read part 1] and now we continue with: Part Two: Can War Ever Be “Just”? “Just” War The issue of what Christians thought and how they responded to warfare changed dramatically when the Roman Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313, legalizing Christianity within the empire, an empire that glamorized, lionized and economically depended on warfare, as a means of gaining and preserving its power. At this point it seems Constantine conveniently decided that warriors of a Christian nation are fighting not only for ...

Can War Ever Be “Just”? – Part 1 – Greg Albrecht

Question: I am a long-time reader and listener. I cannot tell you how much PTM and CWR have helped me and how much this ministry means to me.  October 7, 2023 reminded me of my long-term struggle with the morality of warfare. Immediately after October 7 I was appalled by the evil unleashed by Hamas, brutalities including barbarous rape, torture and capture of hostages. But then as the war has continued, as Israel tries to free the hostages, all the while the staggering suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza intensifies. I realize there is another “side” of this war.   My struggle with war is not ...