2 results for tag: John 8

“Go and sin no more”? Brad Jersak

Art by John Martin Borg - johnmartinborg.com Reading John 8 through Genesis 2-3 and the Prodigal Sons: Throughout Scripture, we see “sin” identified in a variety of ways, including moral failure, law-breaking, poor spiritual hygiene, character flaws, a fatal disease and a sinister slave-driver. And where sin is defined as “missing the mark,” Scripture implies the mark we’re aiming at may be morality, holiness, faith and faithfulness, love of God and each other, or the glory of God. In my blog post, Sin? Missing what mark? I suggested another mark: our love union with God—or RE-union (reconciliation) with God. In that case, ...

“Drop Your Stones” – Brad Jersak

“Drop your stones.”  Did you catch the reference? Many readers will recognize that phrase as an allusion to John 8, where Jesus’ opponents drag a woman into the Temple—they’ve caught her (or framed her) on the charge of adultery. Under the law, they could stone her to death. But in fact, the plan was to trap Jesus in a double bind. “Shall we stone her?” If he says no, he’s guilty of abolishing the Law of Moses. And if he says yes, he’s abandoned his prophetic stand for the law of mercy. You may remember his beautiful one-liner: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Jesus kneels beside the woman and ...