8 results for tag: Jesus Way

Q&R: Should followers of Jesus use the threat of deadly force in self-defense? Brad Jersak

Question: Thank you for your inspiring article, "The Day of Vengeance." What came to mind while reading it was the question of self-defense and the use of deadly force to protect others. My neighbor follows Jesus, is as wise as serpents, and intends no harm to others, yet ended up in a life-threatening situation. He would have used deadly force to stop harm intended for him and another. Thankfully, the violent man stopped threatening and was later arrested. Any comments? Response: My own intention (from personal experiences of violence) is to align with Jesus’ wisdom from the Sermon on the Mount. Some think Jesus’ call not to ...

How Would Jesus Respond to Social and Political Issues of Our Day? – Greg Albrecht

Some of the most often asked questions we receive at Plain Truth Ministries ask us why we don’t “take a stand” (politically) like Jesus did.  I often explain that I am not a member of a religious organization nor am I a member of a political party because my only ultimate membership is in the kingdom of God – and I don’t want any earthly organization to feel they can tell me how to believe, think, vote and align myself for or against issues of the day.  I also add that one might be a member of a church, a political party, a club of some nature… and view that membership as far less important than their membership in the ...

September 2022

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Walking With Jesus – pg. 1 Our Daily Walk – pg. 2 Living in the Way – pg. 5 God Surrenders to Us in Love – pg. 6 Donkey Rescue – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

“You Can Sit Here…” – Greg Albrecht

It was the first day of school for Forrest Gump.  As he walked down the aisle of the school bus his peers noticed the braces on his legs – on Forrest’s first attempt to take an empty seat, the occupant on the two-person bench seat spread his hands out, saying that seat was “taken.” As I recall this happened several times until finally, near the back of the bus, Forrest paused next to an empty seat, receiving a beautiful smile from a lovely young lady seated by the window.  Her name was Jenny and she welcomed him, saying “you can sit here…”  Jenny became, as those of us who have seen “Forrest Gump” know (in my ...

October 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Monte Wolverton: Making Change– pg. 3 Brad Jersak: The Truth About Condemnation– pg. 6 Brian Zahnd: Trying Hard Not to Be Ugly – pg. 8 Laura Urista: What Are We Really Singing? – pg. 10 Blair Baker: Music Ministry: Beyond Manipulation – pg. 12 Richard Rohr: God Is Good – pg. 14 Greg Albrecht: But What About Works -pg. 15

July 2017

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Our Partner in Prayer – pg. 1 "What Is God's Plan for Your Life?" – pg. 2 Walking in the Jesus Way – pg. 5 One Verb: Tipping – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Sep-Oct 2016

Articles: The Parables of Jesus--Part 1 - page 1 Living a Life of Love - page 2 "No" to Wrath and "Yes" to Love--Part 1 - page 5 "That's more than I wanted to know..." - page 7

Spring 2016

Articles: The Jesus Way - p4 Out for Blood? - p7 Golgatha: Collision of Sin and Grace - p13 The verdict Is In... -p14 Jesus at the Gates of Hell - p17 The Importance of Doubt - p19 Strange Land of Dread and Denial - p20 More Than Magazines (2015 Year in Review) -p26 Kissing Evangelism Goodbye - p28 The Jewish Teacher - p29 God Is Not the Witch -p31