1782 results for tag: Greg Albrecht

Twice as Much as a Child of Hell – by Greg Albrecht

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are. —Matthew 23:15 The Pilgrim’s Regress by C.S. Lewis includes a fascinating story about a young boy’s first encounter with religion and one of its religious professionals. Since Lewis is one of my favorite authors, I’ve read and studied about his own childhood, and it seems that some of what he is talking about in this fictional story is autobiographical, with a direct relationship to his own experiences with Christ-less religion when he ...

Join Us For Our Sunday Sermon

"Moving On" Join us for our Sunday Sermon: Life in Christ is a journey, and Christ-followers do not have a reverse gear.  We move on and we move forward in him and with him.  https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/CWR575.mp3 Link to Christianity Without the Religion - Sunday We hope that our articles and resources bring comfort, hope, encouragement, and healing to our readers. If you’re experiencing that, please subscribe freely, share freely, and, if you’re able, please consider donating freely toward paying it forward by clicking the blue giving at the top of your screen.

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 22, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “Grace flows downward from divinity to humanity.  God’s grace descends from immortality to mortality, from perfection to imperfection.  God’s grace is somewhat like water that inevitably finds and is welcomed in low places.  Conversely, grace finds resistance in religious high places.”  Originally published in: Wonders of His Grace ------------------------------------- Help Us Help Others - Give Now

Faith Alone, Grace Alone and CHRIST ALONE – Pt. 3

When all is said and done, our relationship with God all comes down to CHRIST ALONE - faith and grace are themselves rooted and grounded in Christ, who is the very center of all that we are.

March 2025

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: What He Did for You and Me – pg. 1 Our Hope in Christ – pg. 2 The Christ-Centered Mission of CWR/PTM – pg. 4 True Abundance – pg. 6 Attack of the Wild Blackberries – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

CWR Video – Albert Einstein and the Kingdom of God

In this CWR Video, Greg shares a perspective on the Kingdom of God. https://vimeo.com/1013242080 If this post has helped you, please subscribe and share it freely. We also invite you to help us continue to help others with a donation. Click here if you're able to partner with us

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 20, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “Jesus never yelled, forced, coerced or bullied people into changing their lives.  We search in vain for any example of intimidation or manipulation on the part of Jesus.  He didn’t quarrel or cry out; he released the oppressed and proclaimed liberty to those who were enslaved.  Jesus wooed people, he drew people and he won them by his gracious and compassionate nature.  This is authentic Christianity.”  Originally published in: Bad News Religion ------------------------------------- Help Us Help Others - Give Now

Faith Alone, GRACE ALONE and Christ Alone – Pt. 2

Join us for GRACE ALONE, the second message in this three part series, as Greg considers the much misunderstood, mis-used and abused topic of God's amazing grace.

FAITH ALONE, Grace Alone and Christ Alone – Pt. 1

We begin a three parts series which will carefully consider this phrase, so often used here at CWR. This week, we'll the teaching given to us in Romans 4:13-25 about FAITH ALONE.

A Canary in a Coal Mine – by Greg Albrecht

Years ago coal miners in the United States and the United Kingdom took caged canaries down into the mine with them as an early warning system. Canaries are extremely sensitive to toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and methane. The earliest mines didn't have ventilation systems, so canaries helped detect toxic gases long before humans could. The canaries served as an audible and a visual cue regarding the condition of the air the miners were breathing. As long as the miners could see that the canary was alive, and could hear the canary singing, the miners knew that the air was safe to breathe. A silent, dead canary meant that the miners needed to ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 18, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “The Prosperity Gospel teaches that God’s will is for us to be healthy and wealthy.  It amounts to selling religious lottery tickets to the weak, sick and poverty-stricken, who are the ones most easily seduced by this teaching.  Health-and-wealth churches are extremely popular in inner city areas in the United States and in disadvantaged, economically challenged areas around the world.”  Originally published in: Between Religious Rocks and Life’s Hard Places ————————————- Help Us Help Others – Give Now

The Not Yet Kingdom – Pt 2

While the kingdom of God is very much present in our lives now, the kingdom also has a future tense, when it comes in its fullness.

The Already Here Kingdom – Pt 1

This first of a two part series examines the present reality of the kingdom of God - Jesus said that it is here, now!

The Crib and the Cross – by Greg Albrecht

Did you ever stop to think that Jesus did not start his “professional life” – ministering, teaching, comforting and healing – by posting a sign outside of a building announcing healing services and prophecy seminars? Jesus didn’t wait for people to find him. Instead, he found people in the midst of their daily problems, dilemmas, challenges and struggles.  Much of the time Jesus often arrived in people’s lives unannounced and unexpected. Jesus didn’t expect people to get in their cars or jump on their donkeys so they could travel to a holy piece of real estate where they would file into a holy building, take their places and ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 15, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “We are blessed to be able to extend mercy to others because God has first of all extended it to us, and in Christ, extends his mercy in and through us. 1 John 4:19 explains: We love because he first loved us.  That’s a Christ-centered principle – we extend and show mercy because he first extended and gave his mercy to us. An old story from the Wild West speaks of a rancher who had a huge ranch, often the target to thieves and rustlers who would steal the cattle.  One day the rancher’s hired hands caught a cattle  thief.  They caught the thief red-handed and took him to ...

Just a Cold and Broken Hallelujah

Join us as we ponder and meditate about the love of God expressed to us and for us and with us in the life of Jesus, who experienced the disappointments, betrayals, and rejections common to us all — and through it all served us with his love — and he still does!

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not – by Greg Albrecht

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loveshas been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.     This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.     Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.   &n...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 13, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “You may remember the story of Sisyphus from Greek mythology, the king of the area known in the New Testament as Corinth.  Because of the manipulative and deceitful way Sisyphus ruined so many lives, the Greek god Zeus sentenced Sisyphus to Hades, dooming him forever with the impossible task of trying to roll a boulder up a steep hill.  Today we speak of a Sisyphean task as an incessantly recurring exercise in futility. You and I, by God’s grace, have been released from religious confinement and captivity and      from incessant, meaningless and endless ...

Love Is Action

God’s love, in action, is far from a dream-like never-never fantasy land. God’s love is real, it exists in and through the tough times, the trenches, the pits and ditches into which we fall — it is with us as we walk through dark valleys of our lives.

Sample One of Our Daily Radio Messages

"You Are My Friends" He doesn't call us a slave or a servant- nor does he insist that we keep our distance, as he is our teacher and we are merely his disciples and students. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR283.mp3 Links to Our Daily Radio We hope that our articles and resources bring comfort, hope, encouragement, and healing to our readers. If you’re experiencing that, please subscribe freely, share freely, and, if you’re able, please consider donating freely toward paying it forward by clicking the blue giving at the top of your screen.