1780 results for tag: Greg Albrecht
Two Deadly Enemies
The Bible clearly identifies sin as a mortal enemy. But there is another enemy, a very subtle enemy, which poses as the solution for sin by promising to deliver us from it by our own efforts.
What’s Your Batting Average?
Does God's love for us depend upon our spiritual batting average? Does our spiritual batting average determine whether we're admitted into God's Kingdom of Heaven? How do we become part of God's team?
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 15, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“The scientific discipline called ‘chaos theory’ presumes that some things in this life are unpredictable – and try as we might to understand ‘random’ results, we cannot. As you have probably heard, a butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon might affect weather over Kansas. There are so many variables, so many patterns of behavior and so many huge and complex components of life that outcomes might seem chaotic and random to us. There are many aspects of life that we can no more understand than a fish can fully fathom (pun intended) the water in which it swims. Our vision and insight is ...
Passing On Gods Grace
Are you passing on God's grace? Or, have you accepted God's grace and are you passing it on to others? Greg examines the parable of the laborers in the vineyard for its lessons about the grace of God.
Compassion – Not Condemnation
Letting go of hurt, anger, pain and hatred is extremely difficult for us to do, yet Christians are called not only to forgive but to have compassion as well.
Unity, Liberty and Charity – by Greg Albrecht
IT’S FAR FROM BREAKING NEWS! Our world is hopelessly divided, embroiled in continuing controversy. With soul-depressing regularity it seems entire news networks and organizations here in the United States spew out one and only one polarizing political perspective, demonizing all who disagree. Then there is the religious world, where “devout” people whose holy books tell them to love their neighbors are instead terrorizing and persecuting and even killing those who disagree.
Politics divides us and Christ-less religion separates us.
You may remember the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) – what began as a war between Catholics and ...
Politicizing the Gospel – Part #1 – by Greg Albrecht
In PART 1 of “POLITICIZING THE GOSPEL” we will summarize the violence that so permeates the world of politics and religion today, and set the stage for a deeper analysis of the dark forces that contribute to this evil reality.
John 3:19-20: “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.”
It is not exactly breaking news to announce that self-styled wolves in sheep’s clothing attempt to control, coerce and dominate others in the name of politics ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 12, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“God’s grace patiently helped me to deconstruct bogus perceptions and slowly construct a new reality, the real message of Revelation. My reading, research, and study of this amazing book has taken me all over the biblical and theological map, considering the trail that others have blazed in coming to terms with the message God gave to John. By his grace God has mercifully opened my eyes to the real Revelation, a new (for me) Revelation that helped to explain my experiences in the school of religious hard knocks. In my case, Revelation Revolution emerged out of the ashes of the ...
Living a Christ-centered Life – A Survey of Colossians Pt 4
We're talking about the ultimate way to be centered spiritually, what it means to be Christ-centered, and how this plays out in our lives -- what it looks like in the flesh.
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 10, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“So, which comes first? Our forgiveness of others, which in turn convinces God to forgive us? Or is it God’s forgiveness, unmerited on our part, which then empowers us to forgive our own debtors?
We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19). Because forgiveness is the epitome and absolute power of God’s love, it is also true that we forgive because God first forgave us. According to the Lord’s Prayer, we persist in praying for God’s forgiveness only because we’ve already fully acknowledged our need of it and received God’s forgiveness as a free gift of grace.
Receiving ...
Living a Christ-centered Life – A Survey of Colossians Pt 3
In this series on the Book of Colossians we talk today about the Apostle Paul's warnings about heretical teachings. Those teachings continue to this day and are counter to the gospel of Jesus Christ. This program is about freedom from human regulations through life with Christ.
Living a Christ-centered Life – A Survey of Colossians Pt 2
This is the second program of our 4 program series surveying the Book of Colossians. In it we'll see just what the gospel is, how we're rescued and qualified and how we can be Christ-centered.
See How He Loves Us – by Greg Albrecht
There's a great story about a little boy who was trying to learn the Lord's Prayer. One night he was kneeling down by his bed, and he prayed: "Our Father who are in heaven, how do you know my name?"
St. Augustine, revered as one of the great theologians of the Christian faith, once said that Jesus loves each of us as if there was no one else to love.Time after time we read in the four Gospels about people Jesus met who felt and experienced his radically personalized, individual affection—no one they had ever known had talked to them, treated them and spent time with them the way Jesus did.
The eyes out of which Jesus saw and perceived ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 8, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“The real Jesus, and the authentic Christianity he gives, are buried, like barnacles on a boat, by layers of religious rituals, rules and regulations.”
Originally published in:
Bad News Religion
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Living a Christ-centered Life – A Survey of Colossians Pt 1
You need to be Christ-centered. That's a major theme of the Book of Colossians and this is the first program in a 4 program survey of the Book of Colossians.
Are You Out of Your Mind?
Do Christians tend to check their brains at the door of the church? Do we avoid thinking about anything that can't be expressed on a license plate? Are Christians brainwashed? Are we out of our minds? Be sure to catch this program as Greg urges us to think and ponder.
What If? Imagine a Strange…but not Impossible Dream – Greg Albrecht
What if relentless efforts to destroy enemies and vengeful efforts in taking an eye for an eye, came to a grinding halt? What if the spiritual and emotional eyesight of every human being, clouded by hatred, grievances and recrimination as it is, were to be miraculously healed in favor of reconciliation and forgiveness?
What if we moved on from the bitter memories of the Holocaust and the never-ending pogroms before and after? Oh yes, they happened, and if the reality of this world is all we have to live for and count on, we must remember. Never again!
But what if everyone knew it was impossible for anything like the Holocaust to ever happen ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 5, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“The Beatitudes are counter-cultural to an entrenched Christian culture that since the days of Constantine has been hell bent on ‘evangelizing’ through enforced conformity and ultimately subjugation rather than proclaiming the grace of God and the transformation he freely gives, through Christ, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). In a world dominated then and now by the lethal, oppressive combination of warfare and violence on the one hand with the tyranny of fear-based religion on the other, the Beatitudes are the revolutionary manifesto of the kingdom of heaven.”
Originally published ...
The Book of Judgment – Greg Albrecht
Would you please give me your perspective – your interpretation – of biblical passages regarding a book of judgment. I am thinking in particular of a reference to names being blotted out/not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life – but of course there are other similar references to judgment in the Bible.
Thank you for a great question. There are, as you mention, many references in the Bible to books being opened, in the context of judgment. The cultural and literary context of each reference is helpful, beyond that necessary, in order to arrive at a Christ-centered interpretation. Given your reference to the ...
Read the Book!
Do you own a Bible? Do you know where it is? When did you last see it -- when did you last open it? In this program Greg offers five reasons to study the Bible.