1785 results for tag: Greg Albrecht
Here Is Your Mother
Celebrate Mother’s Day in the context of the love and admiration Jesus had for his mother.
Mothers and Grace
If you’ve ever munched on a bag of cookies you thought you purchased with your own “hard earned” money, only to find out that you were eating someone else’s cookies, you know the answer to the question: What do we have that we did not receive?
Wisdom in the Information Retrieval Age
Where is the wisdom that comes from heaven in this most educated and knowledgeable era in human history? What is that wisdom?
CWR Video – Greg Albrecht – He Loves Us Anyway
Short video on God's love by Greg Albrecht.
What Does ‘We Are Not Under the Law, but Under Grace’ Really Mean?
Many professing and church-going Christians fail to realize what "we are not under the law but under grace" means. Most agree that it's God's grace and not anything we can do that will make us right with God. Most realize and accept that Christians don't follow the rites and rituals of the Old Testament but they are often confused about the Ten Commandments. They believe that the Ten Commandments (except seventh-day Sabbath-keeping) are valid and required norms of behavior.
Here's the Christ-centered perspective we need. When Jesus died on his cross, he completed all the terms of the old covenant. He had kept its terms perfectly, and on his ...
What is the Gospel? Part 1 – Greg Albrecht
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written, "The righteous will live by faith."—Romans 1:16-17
Paul 1) categorically states that he is not ashamed of the gospel, 2) defines the gospel as the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes, and 3) asserts that the gospel inherently includes a righteousness from God—a righteousness by faith—precluding any sort of righteousness which may come, or seem ...
10 Percent Grace and 90 Percent Law? – Greg Albrecht
Recently I was asked about a church pastor who preaches 10 percent grace and 90 percent law. Apparently this church has a clock counter on its website to show how fast people are getting to hell. This church believes that one of the methods of "saving" people is to expose their sins, and (by embarrassing them) guilt them into obeying God.
This church is but one of many which believes that the Ten Commandments (and at times other portions of the old covenant) must be preached to sinners to prepare them to accept Christ.
The idea is taught in several different ways:
1) People must be convinced that they have a problem (that they are sinners) ...
What is the Gospel? Part 2 – Greg Albrecht
When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter in front of them all, "You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?
We who are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified.
If, while we seek to be justified in Christ, it becomes evident that we ourselves are sinners, does ...
Jesus Is Our Center – by Greg Albrecht
Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves. You lust for what you don’t have and you are willing to kill to get it. You want what isn’t yours and will risk violence to get your hands on it. (James 4:1, MSG)
If you have not noticed, our world today is as divided and at odds as it has been for a long time. The divide is not just nationalistic between nations who are either rattling sabers or perhaps openly at war, the divide is not just political between political parties, ...
Helpless Christians
We can do nothing of eternal significance without the Holy Spirit working through us. The Holy Spirit eternally abides and lives in us — there is a permanence in that relationship.
Holy Help
Jesus promised his disciples the Holy Spirit. That same Holy Spirit is available to Christians today. Be encouraged in today’s sermon that the Holy Spirit is there for you.
Love Is… And Love Is Not – by Greg Albrecht
Friend and Partner Letter from May 2022
Love IS patientLove IS kind.Love is NOT envious.Love does NOT boast.Love is NOT proud.Love is NOT rude.Love is NOT self-seeking.Love is NOT easily angered.Love does NOT keep a record of wrongs.Love does NOT delight in evil, rather it rejoices in truth.Love protects.Love trusts.Love hopes.Love perseveres.Love never fails.—1 Corinthians 13:4-7
The ultimate and sublime demonstration and example of love is the Cross of Christ. There is NO GREATER LOVE than Jesus’ voluntary self-sacrifice for us. When the Cross of Christ was buried in the soil of this earth, Jesus was lifted up (John 12:32). When Jesus ...
Here’s How You Can Do It
Jesus tells us that apart from him we can do nothing, and the Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians that he can do all things through Christ who strengthened him. Listen to this encouraging sermon.
He Is The Door
Jesus is “the door” and he opens up full and abundant life for us. Find out what that means — don’t miss today’s sermon.
Doubt and Faith
Christians know about “Doubting Thomas” and generally don’t want to identify with him, but doubt isn’t the opposite of faith. Doubt helps us on our way to faith.
“You Can Sit Here…” – Greg Albrecht
It was the first day of school for Forrest Gump. As he walked down the aisle of the school bus his peers noticed the braces on his legs – on Forrest’s first attempt to take an empty seat, the occupant on the two-person bench seat spread his hands out, saying that seat was “taken.”
As I recall this happened several times until finally, near the back of the bus, Forrest paused next to an empty seat, receiving a beautiful smile from a lovely young lady seated by the window. Her name was Jenny and she welcomed him, saying “you can sit here…” Jenny became, as those of us who have seen “Forrest Gump” know (in my ...
7 Sayings on the Cross
Jesus spoke seven times from the cross. His seven sayings from the cross are an enduring and meaningful message to each one of us from our Savior. They inspire us and give us a much deeper appreciation for what he did and for who he is.
May 2022
CLICK HERE to read now
(PDF Format)
Closer Than You Know – pg. 1
Reflecting on Grace – pg. 2
Scared Prayers – pg. 5
Memories & Mercies – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8
He Washes Your Feet
Jesus washed his disciples' dirty feet -- the Son of God stooping to do a menial servant's job -- why? He said that it was part of showing the full extent of his love and told us to wash one another's feet. How should we understand that?
Everything For Nothing
Escape the misery of a life governed by something for something. Join us on Easter, and embrace our risen Lord, and his invitation to receive everything for nothing. He is risen!