1785 results for tag: Greg Albrecht

Free Forgiveness

Because of God’s free forgiveness, citizens of God’s kingdom have no outstanding spiritual debts.

Losing Your Religion — Embracing Grace

Religion is all about what you think you have done for God. Grace is all about what God has done for you. God’s grace will cause you to lose your religion.

What is the Gospel? – Part 1 – by Greg Albrecht

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written, "The righteous will live by faith."—Romans 1:16-17 Paul 1) categorically states that he is not ashamed of the gospel, 2) defines the gospel as the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes, and 3) asserts that the gospel inherently includes a righteousness from God—a righteousness by faith—precluding any sort of righteousness which may come, or seem to ...

Do You Really Want What You Deserve?

The good news is that because of God’s grace we do not get what we deserve.

The End of Religion

Jesus came to put an end to the oppressive demands of religion. Jesus didn’t and doesn’t care about all of the futile religious attempts to "get right with God" because in him God made it right.

Be Content – Trust In God

Jesus tells us that the faith he imparts to us will help us overcome any and all obstacles we may encounter. Pastor Greg talks about some of the obstacles we can overcome with the faith God gives us, by his grace.

Making All Things New

The focus of today’s sermon is that Christian life is always something new. Authentic Christianity often differs widely from the status quo of our culture. Authentic Christianity is also the precise opposite of religious traditions, prompting many in Christendom to protest, in a vain attempt to safeguard their traditions saying, "but, we’ve never done it that way before."

Grace and Cookies – Three Lessons – by Greg Albrecht

Friend and Partner Letter from May 2016 In a “Dennis the Menace” cartoon, Dennis and his pal Joey are seen leaving next-door neighbor Mrs. Wilson’s house loaded up with a plate full of cookies. Joey says to Dennis, “I wonder what we did to deserve this?” The forever-in-trouble, always-in-hot-water Dennis, well aware that he is far from perfect, astutely advises Joey, “Look, Joey. Mrs. Wilson didn’t give us these cookies because we’re nice, but because she’s nice.” The first lesson of grace (at least in this letter!) is this: We don’t deserve God’s love – God is not obligated to give us cookies because we think we ...

The True Riches

In today’s message, Pastor Greg shows how Isaiah is using money to draw attention to God’s amazing riches for us. Isaiah's message encourages us to buy into the heavenly economy of God's amazing grace.

Forgiveness…Who First? – Greg Albrecht

Wouldn’t it be great if you or I could hit a delete button and send the memories of all our hurts and pains somewhere far away, into the most remote recesses of our minds, and never, ever have to think of them  again? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the hard drive in our brain suddenly crashed, and no bad memories survived? As painful as our memories of being hurt are, they can fester and grow into resentment and hatred of those who either hurt us or had some part in our pain. Nasty things can and do happen when we throw a pity party, swimming laps in a pool of resentment, endlessly replaying painful moments from our past. Mo...

You Belong To God

Many ask some form of the question, “Am I getting all I want, all I need, out of life?” Pastor Greg discusses that question in the light of Paul’s admonition that we “present our bodies as living sacrifices.”

K.I.S. Prayer

Pastor Greg talks about keeping prayer simple, sincere and heartfelt, and he discusses the relationship between life’s rough spots and prayer.

Saints and Sinners

Today's sermon assures us from the Bible that Christians are both saints and sinners at the same time and that Jesus does not turn his face from us.

10 Percent Grace and 90 Percent Law? – by Greg Albrecht

Recently I was asked about a church pastor who preaches 10 percent grace and 90 percent law. Apparently this church has a clock counter on its website to show how fast people are getting to hell. This church believes that one of the methods of "saving" people is to expose their sins, and (by embarrassing them) guilt them into obeying God. This church is but one of many which believes that the Ten Commandments (and at times other portions of the old covenant) must be preached to sinners to prepare them to accept Christ. The idea is taught in several different ways:1) People must be convinced that they have a problem (that they are ...

When Your Religion Fails You

Pastor Greg shows that Christ’s invitation for us to come to him promises rest FROM religion, its legalism, its demands and its failure to give us rest.

Our Debt Forgiven

At dinner in a Pharisee’s house, Jesus forgave a harlot. Her debt was great, yet she was forgiven. You will be forgiven too, if you accept Jesus Christ as your savior, but if you try to do it on your own as the Pharisee did, then your debt remains.

The Mother of Us All by Greg Albrecht

Back in 1990, after the Iraqi army was evicted from Kuwait, Saddam Hussein, then the President of Iraq, told his people to prepare for what he called the “mother of all battles” against the American-led coalition forces. Though Hussein did not invent the phrase, since that time the phrase “the mother of all...” has spread through the English language and is often used to define not only the origin or source of something, but also the significance or the greatest example of something. Two Mothers In Galatians 4:21-31, we read the story of two mothers. The historical background to Paul’s lesson is recorded in Genesis 16 and 21. ...

Love and Suffering – Part 2

Discover an answer for your own pain and suffering, and that experienced by our loved ones, when it intersects with the love and suffering Jesus demonstrated and endured for us.

What Does – ‘We are Not Under the Law but Under Grace’ – Really Mean? by Greg Albrecht

Many professing and church-going Christians fail to realize what "we are not under the law but under grace" means. Most agree that it's God's grace and not anything we can do that will make us right with God. Most realize and accept that Christians don't follow the rites and rituals of the Old Testament but they are often confused about the Ten Commandments. They believe that the Ten Commandments (except seventh-day Sabbath-keeping) are valid and required norms of behavior. Here's the Christ-centered perspective we need. When Jesus died on his cross, he completed all the terms of the old covenant. He had kept its terms perfectly, and on his ...

Love and Suffering – Part 1

We celebrate Mother's Day by considering the contrast Paul provides between Hagar, the slave woman, and Sarah, the free woman. We study human love and suffering from a Christ-centered perspective.