1786 results for tag: Greg Albrecht

A Storm, a Ship and a Harbor

Come with us on a journey — a storm, a ship that encounters the storm and the harbor that awaits the end of a turbulent voyage. It’s all about your relationship with God.

The Safety of Religion — OR The Risk of Relationship?

Are you settling for religious bondage when you could have freedom in Christ? Are you choosing the mirage of safety in religion — or are you accepting Jesus, and the risk, as we humans might see it, of relationship with God?

The Gift of Time

In Jesus God embraced time, becoming one of us, in our time. Jesus will help each of us to tell time, to understand time, to use time, and to see beyond time.

Can We Lose Our Salvation? – by Greg Albrecht

Q: Do you believe we can lose our salvation once we are truly saved? My personal belief is that, yes, we can. While God will never take it away, through constant and willful sinning, we can turn our eyes away from God. This will eventually lead to a case of "Pharaoh's hardened heart," a state whereby we can reject God's offer, and create a wall between ourselves and God that even God will not cross—for to do so would be to break his promise to us of free will. A: No, I do not believe we can lose our salvation. Before explaining why, let me say that this discussion, in my view, is not a "make or break" theological perspective. Christians differ ...

Love Is Something We Do

As humans we learn to love by being loved — as Christians we are able to love others because God has first loved us. If we have not accepted God’s love, then we can do and do and do — and we will still never produce God’s love.

Elijah and Fire From Heaven – Greg Albrecht

Question from the United Kingdom: You often make the excellent point that God is not nearly as mad at us as many religious leaders say, nor is he the God of wrath as they so characterize him. I agree, but what’s your take on the story of Elijah calling down fire from heaven to consume army captains and 100 soldiers? If it’s not an act of God, then how did Elijah accomplish this? Response: My take on this story. My faith is centered in and on the Cross of Christ. The symbol of my faith is the Cross, not the ashes of the bodies that resulted from the story related in the first chapter of 2 Kings. I do not wear a symbol ...

August 2022

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Faith, Fiction, Fantasy & Truth – pg. 2 Monte Wolverton: IN, Not OF, the World – pg. 4 Greg Albrecht: Fairy Tales, Fantasy & Parables – pg. 7

“We Believe…” – Greg Albrecht

We believe in the Father—Creator of heaven and earth. We believe in Jesus—the Eternal Son of God, who was incarnated through God the Holy Spirit, fully God and fully human, who suffered, was crucified and buried, who rose again and ascended to heaven and shall come again in his kingdom of which there is no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Counselor, who together with the Father and Son, is one God and who lives within those who believe. We believe in the universal body of Christ, composed of all who are in Christ, whether visible or invisible to one another, a universal body that transcends any and all earthly ...

Renewal for the Weary

The Bible tells us God not only created the universe, he manages and maintains it with what we would describe as effortless ease. But many of us find ourselves perpetually tired. We are reminded we can exchange our weakness for God’s eternal strength.

Forgiven of Things You Can’t Forget

The woman on the phone couldn’t forgive herself of a secret — something she had done many decades before — she was sure God would never forgive her. Today we ask God to join us in our secret places, where skeletons of our past hound us.

The Gift of God

God doesn’t want us to walk far behind him in fear, nor does he want us to grovel at his feet. God wants us to be in close and intimate relationship with him.

Death – A New Beginning

Greg notes the one letter difference between the words “grave” and “grace” — a reminder to us that God’s grace transforms the “final” resting place of our body from decay and defeat into victorious, eternal life.

Grace on Trial – by Greg Albrecht (Interview with Steve McVey)

        Greg Albrecht: I'm talking with a good friend, Steve McVey of Grace Walk Ministries. Steve is the president of Grace Walk Ministries. Steve, I've got to tell you that I wish there were more people in this world who are proclaiming radical grace.         Steve: When we talk about grace we're talking about Jesus, and I think folks need to have that firmly in their minds, that grace personified is Jesus Christ. So to those who say, well, that's great to talk about grace but there are other things too, I say, well, what else is there? The grace of Jesus Christ ...

Aging Grace-Fully

Aging grace-fully means walking more by faith than by sight. Aging grace-fully can mean that we realize that we cannot do all that needs to be done via our own strength.

Gracebut – by Greg Albrecht

Friend and Partner Letter from July 2015 One of the most common objections to God’s grace goes something like: “Sure, we have been saved by grace, BUT…” That phrase is used so often within legalistic religion that it seems like it should be spelled as one word – gracebut with no comma. When used as a G-rated term for the hindquarters of an animal or human, the word is spelled b-u-t-t. It is wise to keep not only our BUTS (objections or opinions) out of God’s grace, but our BUTTS as well.  BUT, with all due respect and political correctness, we must admit that though BUTTS can become large, the BUT used to diminish, devalue ...

It’s All About Grace

Greg concludes, in this final sermon of his three-part series on God’s grace, that we either trust in what Jesus has done, is doing, or will do — or we trust in what we have done, are doing, and will do. We must make a choice — it cannot be both.

Grace Alone

We are justified by a righteousness apart from the law. We struggle with God’s grace because humanly we can’t comprehend why God favors us with his grace. He has nothing to gain — he has no apparent motive. It’s all about faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone.

In Need of Grace

In this first of a three-part series on grace Greg talks about two men named Paul. Today, Greg explains how one of his favorite movies (Cool Hand Luke) and one of his favorite actors (Paul Newman) illustrates our need of God’s amazing grace.

Whose Side is God On? – by Greg Albrecht

Have you ever noticed how many individual Christians and incorporated religious institutions assume that God is exclusively on their side? Many seem to think that God is a member-in-good-standing of their denomination. Many seem to assume that God carries the same national passport they do and that he always supports their country in any military altercation. Some even act and talk as if God supports their favorite athletic team and their particular political party. But if you think about the whole idea of God being polarized and politicized for about three seconds, it really doesn't make any sense, does it? After all the Bible clearly teaches ...

Science and Faith — Why Can’t We Just Get Along?

When it’s a new school year, it’s a great time to be reminded that our God of faith and salvation is also our Great Educator and our Great Scientist.