1786 results for tag: Greg Albrecht
Why Forgive? – Greg Albrecht
Years ago, as a pastor, I visited prisoners in jails and prisons. In those days prison officials would often remind people like me, whom they considered naive “do-gooders,” that we were visiting convicts, and that convicts will say anything and pretend to be something they are not in order to expedite their release from prison. Pastors like me were warned not to be fooled by someone who pretends to “come to Jesus”—who fakes a conversion hoping to deceive a pastor or social worker into supporting and vouching for the convict to receive early parole.
Statistical evidence was given to pastors who visited prisoners demonstrating that ...
What Is the Gospel? – Part 1
In this first of a two-part series about the gospel, we learn that the gospel is more than what Jesus said and did. The gospel was and is who Jesus is. Jesus is the gospel, and the gospel is Jesus.
Satisfaction When Others Get Their Comeuppance – by Greg Albrecht
Friend and Partner Letter from August 2017
Eternal conscious torment in hell is an unbiblical, fabricated teaching of Christ-less religion designed to effectively keep its followers in line. “Believers” in such teaching perceive hell as having positive results because 1) the fear of being consigned to the fiery coals of hell keeps the followers of Christ-less religion in tow, as they “toe-the-line,” and 2) it gives those who are religiously devout “hope” that God will see to it those who do not seem to faithfully “toe-the-line” as they do will get what they deserve.
This “hope” of seeing others “get what’s ...
Hooking Up With God
God’s relationship with you is far from the spiritual equivalent of a one night stand. Commitment and permanence are the basis of God’s relationship with you, and the foundation of how he wants you to know him.
He Loves Us More
God’s unconditional love is refreshing and welcome news for all of us, especially as we live in an increasingly polarized, fragmented world. Greg talks about God’s grace, and why we have difficulty grasping and accepting it.
This is a Football – Greg Albrecht
It’s that time again—football season is here! You can’t miss it (even if you try!). There will be high school games on Friday night, college games on Saturday and NFL games all day Sunday, Monday nights and occasionally other nights.
Critics of football note that football is as close to religion as some folks ever get. Critics of religion (like me) can only say “thank God” for that. Let’s get close to God, but let’s get as far away from religion as possible. Speaking of God, religion and football, the legendary coach Vince Lombardi of the Green Bay Packers is said to have given a “This is a football” lecture to his team at ...
Relational Prayer
Greg discusses religious innovations, teachings, traditions and interpretations about prayer and contrasts them with Christ-centered, relational prayer. Prayer is a critical part of your relationship with God.
The Kingdom of Service
Jesus came to this earth to serve, not to be served - and he invites us as Christians to live a life of service. How do you really feel about being a servant of the Lord?
I Make All Things New
Come together with us as we pray for those in religious bondage. Worship God with us, worship our Savior who transforms all things, especially human hearts.
Attend Church or Else! – by Greg Albrecht
by Greg AlbrechtEditor's Note: Just what it means to "be" and "do" and "go to" church is a controversial topic within Christendom. Of course there are vested interests, so that the discussion is rarely objective. One of our readers/listeners introduced this conversation, as he reported his response to an article by a pastor (in italics) he felt to be manipulative and self-serving (our reader's response in bold type). We invite you to be the judge of that! My wife recently brought home a pastoral newsletter from the church she occasionally attends. I read the lead article and couldn't believe what I was reading. Have I just gone completely nuts, ...
What Is God Looking For?
David was not among the final contestants for the prophet Samuel’s American Idol-like judging for the new king of Israel. What God is actually looking for surprised everyone then — and it still does.
What Will it Be – Raisin Cakes or God?
Greg preaches from the book of Hosea about the greatest love story of all. Come prepared to know and experience the profound dimensions of God's amazing love. It's a story about real people. It's a story about you and me.
What Really Matters?
Greg asks, “Have you ever tried to get sin out of your life? How did that work out for you?” We focus on “What Really Matters”.
The Law Came Through Moses — Grace and Truth Came Through Jesus Christ
There are two ways to relate to God. When God sent us the law, he sent it through Moses. When he brought us grace, he delivered it himself, in the person of Jesus.
God Is After You – by Greg Albrecht
Moses was born into slavery. Freedom was a foreign concept to his people, the children of Israel who lived in bondage in Egypt. The Hebrews had no idea what it would be like to be free.
Like many oppressed minorities throughout history, the Hebrews started to out-populate the majority power. The population explosion of the Israelite slaves was becoming such a problem that the Egyptian king, called the Pharaoh, decided that all male babies had to be killed at birth so that the Hebrews would not eventually out-number the Egyptians.
In one of those unexpected turn of events in which God seems to delight, God used the very family of Pharaoh, ...
The Walking Wounded
by Greg Albrecht
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.—Psalm 34:17-18
When we think of the term "walking wounded," we usually consider warriors who served their country, whose wounds are visible and known, as well as those whose wounds are not as apparent.
Most recently, we are familiar with The Walking Wounded who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. While one of the tragic consequences of any war is The Walking Wounded left in its wake, one of the most publicized examples goes back a generation. You ...
Getting or Being Saved?
by Greg Albrecht
Are you saved, brother?" the intense young man asked me. He continued, "If you're not saved, you need to get saved!" When the young evangelist cornered me, I surmised he was hoping to save another soul from the eternal torment of hell-fire. I responded, "Before I reply, may I ask you to tell me what it is you believe I need to be saved from?" The earnest young man didn't miss a beat (as I suspected, he rattled off the stock answer he'd learned in Saving Souls 101) "if you don't get saved, you're going to hell."
I locked eyes with him and asked him another question: "So, let me get this straight—I need to 'get' saved so I won't ...
Attend Church Or Else!
by Greg Albrecht
Editor's Note: Just what it means to "be" and "do" and "go to" church is a controversial topic within Christendom. Of course there are vested interests, so that the discussion is rarely objective. One of our readers introduced this conversation, as he reported his response to an article by a pastor (in italics) he felt to be manipulative and self-serving (our reader's response in bold type). We invite you to be the judge of that!
My wife recently brought home a pastoral newsletter from the church she occasionally attends. I read the lead article and couldn't believe what I was reading. Have I just gone completely nuts, am I ...
The Ministry of Death — or The Ministry of Life?
God speaks to us, through Paul, in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8. We have a choice: dead religion — formulaic, the same-old, menu-driven spiritual rituals and ceremonies— or — dynamic, exuberant relational life in Christ? Which will it be?
His Blessed Hope – Take Heart – by Greg Albrecht
Friend and Partner Letter from August 2022
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Anxiety and fear impact our world. Disturbing and horrific news overwhelms us so that when we do hear good news—such as the good news of the gospel—we can have trouble fully hearing and appreciating it. We are now, once again as in so many hundreds of times since
Jesus originally said it, experiencing, in our cities, on national settings and international stages, “…wars and rumors of wars…” (Matthew 24:6). Just a few months ...