1786 results for tag: Greg Albrecht
Field of Dreams – by Ed Dunn
Friend and Partner Letter from September 2022
Once again Ed Dunn favors us by writing our letter this month. Given the topic of baseball which forms the illustration of the vital spiritual lesson Ed shares below, we might say he has become a regular in our batting order, coming up to bat for our September letter!
As most of you know, as Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Ed wears many hats at PTM. Earlier this year he authored “Looking at Life from the Outside In” for the cover of our March Plain Truth. Many appreciated it as a powerful and inspiring account of some of his own struggles in life as he has picked up his own ...
The Walking Wounded
Jesus doesn’t break a bruised reed, nor did he extinguish a smoldering wick. He is our Great Physician who ministers to those who are at the end of their rope, those whose spirits who have been crushed — the walking wounded.
Have You Forgiven God?
Forgiveness can be a difficult, painful subject because it involves some of the darkest places of our lives, while it can also be liberating and filled with joy because it can only be given by the Light of this world. We examine forgiveness and we consider what some mean when they speak of “forgiving God.”
What If God Was One of Us?
Our sermon, based on Hebrews 2:5-12, considers our identity in Christ. As we focus on Jesus Greg recalls the haunting question posed in the title of the best record of the year in 1996. Was Jesus, as the lyrics of this song ask, “just a slob like one of us”?
God Is After You – by Greg Albrecht
by Greg Albrecht
Moses was born into slavery. Freedom was a foreign concept to his people, the children of Israel who lived in bondage in Egypt. The Hebrews had no idea what it would be like to be free.
Like many oppressed minorities throughout history, the Hebrews started to out-populate the majority power. The population explosion of the Israelite slaves was becoming such a problem that the Egyptian king, called the Pharaoh, decided that all male babies had to be killed at birth so that the Hebrews would not eventually out-number the Egyptians.
In one of those unexpected turn of events in which God seems to delight, God used the very family of ...
Being In Peace – Real Fellowship
We never say that two people are “at” love — why do we say that two parties are “at” peace? Why not talk about being “in” peace? Join Greg to talk about the peace (shalom) of God, a peace that is not simply the temporary end of some negative external experience or relationship, but an eternal assurance of well-being that is a gift of God.
September 2022
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Walking With Jesus – pg. 1
Our Daily Walk – pg. 2
Living in the Way – pg. 5
God Surrenders to Us in Love – pg. 6
Donkey Rescue – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8
Experiencing His Peace
God’s peace is not something humans produce externally. God’s peace is his gift given to us by his grace, and we experience it internally, in our hearts and in our souls.
Getting or Being Saved? – by Greg Albrecht
by Greg Albrecht
Are you saved, brother?" the intense young man asked me. He continued, "If you're not saved, you need to get saved!" When the young evangelist cornered me, I surmised he was hoping to save another soul from the eternal torment of hell-fire. I responded, "Before I reply, may I ask you to tell me what it is you believe I need to be saved from?" The earnest young man didn't miss a beat (as I suspected, he rattled off the stock answer he'd learned in Saving Souls 101) "if you don't get saved, you're going to hell."
I locked eyes with him and asked him another question: "So, let me get this straight—I need to 'get' saved so I won't ...
Intimacy With God
All humans yearn for intimacy, for relationship — and that’s exactly what God offers us! Reflect with us as we consider that without him, we cannot love him.
Prayer As a Way of Life
Worship and experience the Lord our Shepherd, as our message ponders what prayer is, and what it isn’t.
The Universal Body of Christ – Greg Albrecht
The teaching ministry of Christianity Without the Religion (CWR) offers weekly online sermons, with Christ-centered teaching, fellowship, prayers and communion. We minister modestly, without religious embellishments, primarily to individuals and small groups who are part of the body of Christ, rather than overflowing crowds in warehouse-like sanctuaries or in majestic, stained glass cathedrals.
We minister in the name of Jesus, remembering his promise in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” We insist that the church is who YOU are, in Christ,far more than it is a physical location to which ...
Little Children of the Kingdom
The disciples asked Jesus who would be the greatest in his kingdom. They asked the wrong question. The real question is, “By what right is anyone granted the kingdom?”
The Walking Wounded – by Greg Albrecht
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.—Psalm 34:17-18
When we think of the term "walking wounded," we usually consider warriors who served their country, whose wounds are visible and known, as well as those whose wounds are not as apparent.
Most recently, we are familiar with The Walking Wounded who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. While one of the tragic consequences of any war is The Walking Wounded left in its wake, one of the most publicized examples goes back a genera...
Organic Christianity – Causing Trouble All Over the World
Enjoy natural, non-processed, good-for-you, organic and alive Christianity — the very opposite of pre-cooked, overly processed, pre-digested, feel-good, tastes-great, dead religion.
God Wants YOU – Dead AND Alive
This week Greg discusses what Paul means when he says that we should count ourselves as “dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 6:11). Greg contends that being dead AND alive is the centerpiece and core essence of our spiritual identity.
Living in an Amish Paradise? – Greg Albrecht
The following article is re-posted from the May/June 2006 Plain Truth magazine:
Imagine a rigid and repressive commune existing within the advantages and freedoms of modern, progressive and democratic North America. Imagine overbearing rules and regulations that people living in such an authoritarian subculture seem to willingly accept. Imagine a religion that imposes draconian restrictions on private life.
If the examination of such a culture continued in any detail, it would not be long before words like “Brainwashing” and “Cult” would be common reactions.
But when the group being considered is identified as the Amish, ...
What Are We Waiting For?
Comedian Bob Newhart used to say, preparing his audience for his spoof of some event or practice, “it might have gone something like this.” Join Greg as he reconstructs what early Christians might have been thinking 15 years after the first Pentecost.
What Is the Gospel? – Part 2
The gospel of Jesus Christ is in its own league, entirely different from any and all religion. Our message invites you to discover why God isn’t interested in human attempts to “roll our own” gospel.