1782 results for tag: Greg Albrecht
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
December 21, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“I AM One of You” is the Christmas card God sends to each of us! When God, through an angel, informed Joseph that Mary would give birth to Jesus, he said: ‘The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they shall call him Immanuel, which means God with us (Matthew 1:23). God assures us, in his Christmas card, ‘How can I ever forget you? In Christ I became one of you!”
Christianity Without the Religion magazine, December 2021
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The Vulnerable Love of God
Our tired, sin-sick old world needs far more than another message of condemnation - thus on this Christmas, as Christ followers we choose to light a candle rather than curse the darkness.
God Comes Near – by Greg Albrecht
Imagine, for a moment, that you are part of a team building a skyscraper. Your team building this "high rise" would need, of course, a great deal of expertise to ensure that a sound foundation would be laid. Considerable expense and work is involved in preparing the foundation of any edifice that eventually soars majestically, hundreds of feet into the air.
Skyscrapers are incredibly heavy, so they must be built on much more durable foundations than smaller buildings. In virtually every case, a skyscraper requires a deep foundation, with pilings, drilled shafts and columns put in place using a pile driver—all reinforced by concrete.
When God ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
December 19, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“The shopping malls are filled with people whose credit cards are maxed out and whose hearts and souls are empty. Simon and Garfunkel reflected – ‘the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made.’ In Eleanor Rigby, the Beatles sang of ‘all the lonely people’ in a religious, church setting. Loneliness characterizes the lives of those who have not yet seen or embrace the light of Jesus.
I am not alone at all, I thought. I was never alone at all. And that of course, is the meaning of Christmas. We are never alone. Not when the night is darkest, the wind coldest, the world ...
The Grace Invasion
According to C.S. Lewis, the birth of Jesus can be likened to the rightful king who parachuted behind enemy lines, encouraging those who followed him to take part in a great campaign of sabotage. It was the grace invasion! It still is!
God Comes Near
Let the peace of God surround and envelop you, as you consider the astonishing miracle and amazing majesty of the coming of God in the flesh.
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
December 17, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“The world into which Jesus came was not and is not a Hallmark-card Christmas where everyone is healthy, prosperous, well-nourished, living in beautiful homes, giving lavish gifts, gathered around long tables and enjoying sumptuous Christmas feasts.
The world to which Jesus came and still comes is not about perfect families where everyone gets along, with no acrimony or arguments – it’s not a world where there is no oppression, no impoverishment, no disease and no heartache. Jesus came to the weary, dirt-poor, ghetto-like world of Bethlehem were political and religious tyrants, then and now, ...
The Greatest Promise
Join Greg as he explains Isaiah 9:6: 1) "For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, 2) and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called 3) Wonderful Counselor, 4) Mighty God, 5) Everlasting Father, 6) Prince of Peace."
Mary, Did You Know?
When she found out that she was pregnant, how did the young teenager we today know as Mary, the mother of Jesus, react? We'll discuss Mary's thoughts, as illustrated by her song - traditionally known as the magnificat (Luke 1:46-55).
CWR Video – The Incarnation
In this CWR Video, Greg discusses the meaning of The Incarnation.
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
December 14, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“When God came to us, in the person of Jesus, he came to be one of us – in humility. That truth alone – that God humbled himself – seems to be blasphemous to many within religion. How could God become humble?
God determined that he would enter the womb of Mary, a teenage girl who was betrothed, but not yet married. Yes, she was married to Joseph when Jesus was born, but she was pregnant with Jesus when she and Joseph married. The circumstances of his birth caused tongues to wag. Why did God do it that way? Why didn’t God the Holy Spirit just wait to impregnate Jesus after Mary and ...
He’s Only Just Begun – by Greg Albrecht
Christmas is the hinge and fulcrum of all history. Points in time before the first Christmas are B.C. or B.C.E. (before the Christian era) and events after that first Christmas are A.D. (anno Domini – year of our Lord). The birth of the Christ child, God in the flesh, is a new beginning…his new beginning and our new beginning. But make no mistake, Christmas was not the end of God’s revelation to humanity, it was only the beginning.
God has gradually revealed himself and the abundance of the gospel over time with greater clarity and fullness. In the beginning, Genesis speaks of God as “we” by saying let us make mankind in our ...
When the Time Had Fully Come
Jesus came "when the time had fully come" (Galatians 4:4). It's still the perfect time for the world to hear the great proclamation of the gospel.
Despised and Rejected of Men – by Greg Albrecht
Isaiah says that Jesus was despised. Jesus wasn't merely ignored or disliked. Jesus wasn't regarded as just a minor irritant—he was hated and despised—strong language—powerful emotions!
When someone is despised they are regarded with contempt and scorn, they are loathed, and regarded as unworthy of interest or concern. When someone is rejected, others refuse to accept or recognize them. They are effectively discarded as useless.
Why was Jesus despised? The answer lies in the determination as to who, specifically, despised him? What specific segment of his culture absolutely despised and rejected him?
• Did his fellow carpenters go ballis...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
December 12, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“The first verses of the Gospel of John tell us that Jesus was the Word. Logos is the Greek term for ‘Word.’ It means Jesus was and is the force and the reason and the core of all meaning, relevance and power that sustains and holds everything together.
Jesus, the Word – the Logos – is the answer to the questions that confound us. Who made us, who made the earth, who made our solar system, our cosmos and our universe – and how does it keep working? How is it all held together – how do all the eco-systems work in such symmetry and harmony? It’s not random!”
Who Is, Who Was, and Who Is to Come
We consider a Christ-centered Christmas season with a discussion of Revelation 1:1-8. Our passage is a thumbnail sketch of the gospel, the three comings of Jesus, the plan of God from the very beginning.
The Birth of Jesus — Downward Mobility
"Upward mobility" is the swan song of this age, yet Jesus' birth was just the opposite. It’s the story of "downward mobility." Jesus humbled himself, taking the very nature of a servant. Why? Was it for him or was it for us?
New – Questions & Response Page
Keep checking back for more questions.
Plain Truth Ministries and Christianity Without the Religion have received thousands of questions from readers like you over the years. We thought it might be helpful to bring many of these questions and their response together in one resource page Q & R - (Questions & Response). If you have questions or just want to see what other people are asking about, check out our new resource page.
Click here for Questions and Response
PTM’s Questions & Response feature addresses actual questions on various topics sent to us from all over the world. Greg Albrecht and Brad Jersak answer as many ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
December 10, 2024 - Quote for the Day:
“Instead of Christmas being about what Jesus gives to us, it can be twisted and corrupted into what we must give to others – and to God – so that he and others will be pleased enough by our performance to love us. Instead of Christmas being about the love of God that is freely given to one and all, Christ-less religion twists and perverts it into a nightmare where we have to prove our love to family and friends and God.”
Christianity Without the Religion magazine, December 2020
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Herod–The Man Who Tried to Kill the Christ Child
King Herod organized the first opposition to Jesus, trying to kill him when he was only a baby. Herod reminds us that God sent his Son into a world that didn’t really want him. How many of us are influenced by the same spirit that influenced Herod?